“Live close. Visit often.” If I ever am in a relationship again, this will be the law. No one will ever live with me again.
“Live close. Visit often.” If I ever am in a relationship again, this will be the law. No one will ever live with me again.
No one who is going to watch what HE wants to watch all night on the TV, while you have to watch The Walking Dead on your iPad because he doesn’t like zombies. Fuck that shit. I watch what I want to watch. On the big TV right in the middle of the living room as loud as I want. My dogs never complain about my viewing…
I too think that I will probably never live with anyone again. And if I did, I would have a suite of rooms built just for me (a woman cave if you will). Living with my ex husband taught me that I need my own space to escape to. Space for my hobbies, and for me to just be myself.
It wasn’t just about supporting myself. If I was dissatisfied with the men I dated, I could walk away.
Technically unmarried lady owning my own home here. I live with my partner, but it’s my house with my name alone on it, not anyone else’s. While I’ve had to do some degree of repair (like when the hot water heater sprung a vicious leak), in general it’s been a great experience, and it helps me feel like I have any…
Youre paying for all that equity in taxes, maintenance, upkeep, and improvements. Its no different from sticking that money in the bank, or better yet an index fund. Me? Renting all the way. When my fridge breaks I dial a number and I have a new one the next day without spending a dollar. I dont want the hassel. But…
Women shouldn’t have sex unless it’s with an incel, thus transforming him into a Chad, which is an offense punishable by death. Do I have it right? This is too confusing for my lady brain.
i’ve been rejected and had my heart broken many many times. i’ve been with multiple men i dreamed of marrying, only to find they didn’t consider me marriage material. i was rejected multiple times by boyfriends in high school who got bored of dating me and wanted to try something else. i’ve been rejected because my…
Nonono...incels require a virgin. Preferably a teenager. Adult women are sluts.
Reading this garbage dump of a Twitter account, masturbating or sex workers won’t do, because these whackadoos think that they are entitled to “packages,” which I am interpreting to mean - a 1950's housewife to cook, clean, emotionally labor and have sex on demand. Quite a nice little fantasy these little men have.
Redistribution? Like all women should be herded into some collectivist mechanism? Or am I supposed to be offering up my wife for 1 day a week, as an act of charity?
But all women are interchangeable because we‘re not actually human with distinct lives and personalities.
Women shouldn’t have sex unless it’s with an incel, thus transforming him into a Chad, which is an offense punishable by death. Do I have it right? This is too confusing for my lady brain.
Even if it fucking was a need, you don’t see people getting free food just because they need it
“Access to sex.” Isn’t that just masturbation? Pretty sure they can do that without “redistribution.”
And don’t take it out in your mommy or Bonnie either, get therapy and leave everybody alone.
Bonnie Colwell has not yet been identified by news outlets.
it’s all a rich tapestry of misogyny?
Undoubtedly this man is unhinged and has been for a long time. Men, don’t take your mommy issues out on us. We are not your mommy or your Bonnie and we don’t deserve to be stalked, raped and killed for the real or perceived actions of the women in your life.