Any lawyerly folks want to address this? It smells a bit like Mr. Williams stepped over the line from “unethical” to “criminal HIPAA violation.”
Any lawyerly folks want to address this? It smells a bit like Mr. Williams stepped over the line from “unethical” to “criminal HIPAA violation.”
“If she had come to me and said she was pregnant, I would have said, ‘OK, not exactly in the cards, but we will deal with it,’” she said to the Cincinnati Enquirer in 2018.
You’re thinking of coroners, not medical examiners. Medical examiners require medical training, but lots and lots of states only use coroners, who are sometimes just elected officials or members of the county Sheriff’s department.
And how is freaking out when you find out you’re THIRD TRIMESTER PREGNANT sketchy? I’d freak out if I found out I was any pregnant and I’m even kinda trying.
They are expected to use evidence of her eating disorder, her time on the cheerleading squad and track team, and her participation in the National Honor Society—evidence Richardson’s defense has used to paint her as a rule-abiding overachiever
This is such fucking horseshit. I’m guessing they don’t prevent anyone from telling men about vasectomies. Because that might be considered an invasion of privacy and state’s rights and freedom or what the fuck ever. The ONLY reason I could afford birth control for like ten years is because Planned Parenthood gave it…
This makes me so fucking angry. I can’t imagine being blindsided by a $200 bill for my birth control. Not to mention that when you miss more than a day, you get such bad cramps and bleeding, you think your appendix is going to burst.
Which is one of the main reasons for the gag rule.
All according to plan.
When your brand is hating gays and immigrants, you run out of tailors very quickly.
Why does the pic of them at Buckingham look... fake?
I don’t know. I’ve met rocks that are smarter than the Trumps.
Also: all that money and not a single one of them could get a properly-fitted tux???
I was trying to figure out what they reminded me of and you nailed it. It looks like if you shook his hand too hard, his arm would come off comically and stuffing would come out the shoulder of his jacket.
He arms look like fake arms, like they’re attached to the shirts he’s wearing to give the impression that he, an ostensibly armless person, has real arms.
Between this and his dad sitting in every chair like it’s a toilet, this family has some weird posture issues.
I’ve noticed that guys that walk like that also don’t move to make room on sidewalks, in stores etc. and then when I invariably do bump them (I’ve got big bones, with some big meat wrapped around those bones and some provolone on the side) that they are usually not very solid, they are too busy posturing and have poor…
Ah yes, the ole High School Offensive Lineman walk. The “i am not chubby, but a bulk of mass and might” stance.
My teeny, tiny cat will sometimes fluff up her fur, arch up her back and walk sideways towards me or the other, older cat, in an attempt to look bigger and more menacing. It is ADORABLE, hilarious and endearing. But somehow when Trump does the exact same thing, it’s just embarrassing and a little nauseating