
But the real threat to society is women making up accusations for revenge, right? Or is it laughing at people...

Fuuuuuuuck. What a vile sense of entitlement.

Weve been dealing with stupid claims like that for years.

Like the current ambassador to the Netherlands who claimed for years there are areas where people are getting killed in the streets by muslims. Nobody in the US every questioned him about it, it wasn’t until he got to the Netherlands when he finally got fact ch

“It’s a matter of what’s in his heart. He’s a strongly pro-life person.” What the fuck????

When it comes to reproductive rights, we have to be consistent. If we start differentiating between the wealthy white married woman who needs her first abortion versus the poor black woman who needs her fifth abortion, then we’re no better than our opponents, we’re not helping every woman, and we’re perpetuating the

She joined the

Oh, it all about controlling a woman’s right to choose her sexual activity.

Exactly. The minute you start prioritizing and differentiating circumstances is the minute you allow your personal morality dictate who deserves an abortion rather than the right to have one.

Misdeed is a sickening term to use. But I do agree that you can’t say it is murder in these cases but somehow not murder when it comes to rape or incest. It is the same with disposing of the extra embryos from IVF. How is *that* okay to Republicans but not when a woman feels she is not in a situation to want and/or

I really hope no woman wants to fuck him.

So not wanting to carry the pregnancy of a rapist is "twisted logic" but rape itself is simply a "misdeed"? Fuck this clown.

No never condoms. They’ll go after hormonal birth control. Women being able to have control of their body is the problem, not men having control.

I’d always assumed the real reason bra manufacturers don’t want to cater to the smaller band size/large cup size crowd is because there’s an assumption that those breasts are fake.

Don’t have a baby. I used to be a 34H and now I’m a 36J because biology is cruel. Now there are no bras to be had, for pumping or nursing or even regular use >:( Also, it’s really horrible being postpartum and having to deal with residents asking if you have implants. Bedside manner: you're doing it wrong.

Absolutely. They’re also going to come for IUDs because they prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. 

That’s where I am.  Like, would a woman taking a Plan B pill the morning after now count?

Jesusfuckingchrist Republicans are fucking garbage. 

So we start issuing SS#s at conception and immediately start dishing out financial aid to qualifying mothers. Also women must submit to monthly screenings of their menstrual discharges to ensure a zygote that didn’t adhere to the uterine wall isn’t present. That would be a felony. This is exactly what the religious

A perfectly normal pregnancy is detrimental to the health of the pregnant person . . .