
As long as you’re upfront about it and didn’t have your parents or in laws watching your kids when you were working there’s not much they can say.

Not in Ontario.

I don’t mind helping him out with things, I love my Opa.

What I do mind is that my father *expects* me to take care of things because he’s “busy” or “can’t” (doesn’t want to be bothered). I work, have 2 kids, and live an hour away. He’s single, no kids in the house, has zero responsibilities, and can see my Opa’s house

Not quite the same thing, but when my daughter started school my grandfather offered to watch her for a few hours a day until I got home from work. I wasn’t sold on the idea because he was close to 80 at the time, but I’m glad I agreed.

The school bus would drop her off at his house, they would read, colour, watch

Especially if they’ve received the same help in the past (grandparents watched you while your parents worked, etc..)

F*ck that noise... I’ve been taking care of most of my grandfathers medical and legal issues and once he’s gone, I’m done. My dad’s pretty much on his own.

You can’t live your life not helping your family when they need it and then expect them to bend over backwards to help you. Nope.

Funny how when some people are asked for the same help they received, or even a PORTION of the help they received, there’s excuses. I never expected my parents to buy me a house or watch my kids 24/7, but telling me they can’t help with college after buying a brand-fucking-new Harley was pretty rage inducing.

That’s what frustrated me so much with my family. My grandparents helped them a lot, expecting them to pay-it-forward, but my mother just can’t be bothered and my father only wants to do fun stuff with the kids, not actually help.
And yet when my grandfather has an appointment, I’m the one taking the day off work and

As someone who was raised by grandparents I can understand how it could be frustrating. My grandparents bent over backwards to help my parents when they got married*, but when I had kids my own parents were too busy/caught up in their own bullshit to help with anything.

Mind you I didn’t bother asking them, because

It’s only welfare fraud if you’re black or ethnic-looking. If you’re white you’re just down-on-your-luck.

He’d pull a Mother Theresa and spout some bullshit about how suffering brings you closer to God

Audiobooks are a busy chicks best friend. ;-)

I think you mean stuck-up frigid feminazi bitches. Only sisters are “girls” to these twatwaffles

“If you are flirting with a guy and then decide you are not interested but want to study now and he is still flirting with you..”

“their understanding of the world is so closeted and insecure that they truly think women are taking something away from them by trying to stay safe.”

He probably thinks it’s sweet, cause harassing people is how you show you’re interested.

When he was growing up you could legally rape your wife, and no one said anything if you slapped her around a bit for burning your dinner.

But women’s careers are more like hobbies. If you don’t get along with someone in your yoga class, just switch classes. See? Easy-peasy!

12 year olds and politicians..

What’s all this harassment stuff??