Funny story about hoverers...
Funny story about hoverers...
I was thinking the Princess Bride sentence myself
Ummm no. You’re entitled to an opinion but no one has to listen to it
Only fitting that it’s known as the Harlot dress.
But they wouldn’t care because suffering is supposed to bring you closer to God, or some such bullshit.
Besides, when their wife/daughter/mistress needs an abortion they can go to Europe for a spa weekend.
I wonder...
if there were a test that could tell you if your fetus were gay, would they still oppose abortion, or would their heads just explode?
The kicker is that unless they never use public facilities, they’ve likely already been in the washroom with someone who’s Trans and didn’t even know it.
What? You don’t have to get patted down and flash your vag to the restroom attendant before entering?
Even *if* his exes were making 6 figures he still has a responsibility to those children.
He isn’t, but thinks we should feel something for him anyways.
It reads like he’s a special snowflake who thinks he shouldn’t have to give up his dream just because he has dependents.
And what kind of relationship does he have with his daughter if he knows nothing about the man that’s raising her? He doesn’t have to like the guy, but f*cking hell, he should at least know the man.
He sounds like my ex. Whined and cried to anyone who would listen that I was denying him visitation, and even started telling people that I’d stop letting his parents see her if he tried to contact her.
While he’s out tryin to live his dream, his ex(es) could be working a shit job she hates and skipping meals to make sure his kids are fed.
Chain-link barbed-wire fences and police dogs is my guess
Hate on the Kennedys all you want, but leave Paul Hill out of it
1) No she isn’t, they’ve legally separated
I still get that feeling everytime I make or buy rice.
The first time I bought a huge bag of rice I had to eat almost nothing else for a week. Yes buying the 8kg bag instead of the 1.5kg bag was cheaper in the long run, but it took a chunk out of my already lean budget.
This is why I have a sewing machine!