I don’t know if this works everywhere, but if you get a Costco gift card you don’t need a membership to use it.
I don’t know if this works everywhere, but if you get a Costco gift card you don’t need a membership to use it.
I loved helping my grandmothers cook and bake when I was a kid, but I was terrified of screwing something up when I was broke and buying my own groceries. Now if I screw up a recipe I’m just annoyed. Ten years ago I would have been in tears and kicking myself.
Expensive or Blah.
My mood is already ruined because of a waterbirth article on skeptical OB, but WTF is wrong with people?!?
Shit. Wouldn’t that cover rape too?
I’m having problems with my grandfather right now because of stuff like this. I keep trying to get him to a lawyer so everything is taken care of, but he doesn’t want to deal with the fallout and keeps saying “you kids can figure that out when I’m gone”
God damnit old man, NO. I shouldn’t have to “deal” with my father…
Or a crochet hook if that isn’t available
And crochet hooks
When my son was two we had an argument because he didn’t want to wear his diapers anymore, he wanted mommy’s diapers. My fiance still teases me about it
Free speech doesn’t mean free from repercussions
I’m so f*cking sick of this shit.
A lot of men would consider it a challenge
With a pineapple
RIP Goblin King
It wasn’t free coffee to start with, we supplied it ourselves! But when our boss realized she could make money with it she said we couldn’t use the kettle anymore and bought a keurig instead.
I’m jealous. At my previous job we didn’t have a break-room, but one of the girls asked if she could bring a kettle in and leave it in the back (in an office/storage room). Sure no problem. Everything was fine until a few weeks later she’s told to bring it home, the owner bought a Keurig for the staff. Awesome right?…
It’s the same as abortion. It isn’t about saving money or lives, it’s about punishment and making themselves feel superior.
That’s my next birthday wish right there.
It’s likely she blames herself for his cheating, so she’d ask forgiveness for not being a better wife.