
Why the fuck would someone marry a guy that inconsiderate??

I couldn’t agree more. It seems you’re either stuck with something out of my great-grandmothers closet, or rockabilly.

“Her duty”?

You’re imagining them getting hot over it, not pointing and giggling and breaking out the magnifying glass.

Or taken our behind the woodshed and beaten with a switch.

Unless the cop is an asshole, acknowleging them, putting on your 4-ways, and then driving to a well-lit area is acceptable. If the cop IS an asshole, he’s not someone you want to be alone on the side of the road with anyways.

It’s 13C (55F) and sunny near Ottawa today. I have my towels and sheets out dying on the clothesline :-)

The look of disbelief when I told a Jr high friend that we have 3 holes down there, and that yes, you can pee with a tampon in

That’s why I wear jeggings/leggings and skirts. I’m pretty handy with a sewing machine, but even I can’t fix the handfuls-of-fabric-around-my-thighs-and-butt problem

I can’t stand VS. I haven’t been able to shop there since I was 20, but even then it was a huge pain in the ass.

Hahaha, my Nana used to say that the 10 Commandments could be boiled down to “Don’t be an asshole”

I get the “oh don’t buy me anything, make me something instead” speech every Christmas.

That’s great if you live in a city or larger town, but it sucks for rural areas. My small town wouldn’t be getting a daycare, and neither would the half dozen other small towns nearby.

It isn’t just Toronto. Up until 2 years ago I lived in a small town that had no (licensed) daycare, surrounded by other small towns with no daycare. Handing over 1/2 of your weekly pay and not being able to claim it on your taxes sucks so, so much.

I don’t feel bad anymore. They did it to themselves by spoiling him his entire life.

That sounds like my old boss. He thought I was an idiot for paying interest on a car loan. Why didn’t I ask my parents to buy the car and then pay them back interest-free? Was I too proud??

Your sister is my dad. My grandparents paid for everything. College, house, bills, you name it... When it was time for me to go to college? He bought a fucking Harley.

*Unless you’re my wife, mistress, or daughter

Yes! You’d also be hugging Jeff Martin, Matt Good, Sean Lennon, Paul Stanley, Billy Corgan, Trent Reznor.... and Mr Stardust himself.

That’s pretty much the definition of hiding