
And his idea of foreplay is shaking his dick a few extra times after he pees

Your ideas appeal to me...

If you’re on call you should be getting half-pay. Why there aren’t regulations about this I dont know.

Jesus. Working one hour would barely cover the gas/fare to get there, not to mention daycare or a sitter.

That sounds like something my old boss would do. Whenever she wanted someone to come in for an “interview”, she’d invite them over to the little restaurant next door so they could talk. It’s much easier to find out about someones personal life (married, kids, planning on having kids, etc..) when it seems like you’re

Being told he doesn’t go down is pretty much a deal breaker for me, and I’m not even a huge fan of oral.

Hi orgasm twin!

Thank you for that last bit. I’m in an open relationship and you wouldn’t believe the number of couples that message me about threesomes because they assume we’re only open because I’m bi...

Gotta love those WTF? moments.

And pretty much every single generation thinks theirs will be the last.

As far as I know he hasn’t had any long lasting health issues because of it, besides a healthy fear of dumbassery

Especially if it’s the husband who catches them, and he isn’t in on the joke.

I wouldn’t be surprised if someday one of his pranks gets him killed or severely injured. And I don’t mean by accident, I mean getting the snot beaten out of him by the victim. And he’d deserve it.

And what are his relationships going to be like if he grows up thinking this is how you’re supposed to treat the people you love?

She might be cute, but who wants to be with someone who’s ex does shit like this? I know I sure as hell wouldn’t.

My cousin was driving through the woods on his 4-wheeler, went over a rock/log/bump of some kind, fell off and landed on a branch.... a branch that had to be surgically removed from his body. He was in a medicated coma for a couple of weeks after that.

Screw joint custody, I’d be asking a judge for supervised visitation.

Your babies were easy but not everyone’s are. I agree 2 year olds are more of a handful, but not every baby is a quiet bundle of joy.

Yes! Because affordable daycare can help almost everyone with small children, especially low income families where the parents are unable to being their children to work.

If something needs to be finished by a certain date, and that person can’t do it, then someone else will have to pick up the slack. I don’t know where these people are working, but I’ve never had a boss that would be okay with that.