
It is if they were negligent. Which clearly, they were

Omg, why/how have I never seen this?

Yeah, cause the cops would TOTALLY be okay with it if she’d shot him just for being in her backyard. The same cops that let him off with a warning once before.... TOTALLY OKAY WITH IT

Maybe I’m dumb, but I would also assume that said strip search would take place at a police station, not on the side of the fucking road or wherever

Really? Everyone? EVERYONE??

I was about to say the same thing. I dont see anyone calling for jail time, just charge him and go from there... I don’t know why hands-off is such a hard thing to understand. Most kids learn it in kindergarten.

Waffles with butter, whipped cream, maple syrup, and fresh fruit (w/ a side of sausage)....

So, I’m like, not a dummy

Who came up with this? A monkey with a bucket of crack??

I’ve already had a “godless whore trying to ruin a good Christian boy” post pop up on my FB news feed. Wtf is wrong with people??

I grew up with the Glengarry Highland Games in my backyard...Woohoo Maxville!

I dunno, the SD&G raccoons are pretty feisty. Must be driven mad by all the bagpipe practice...

Hey camp neighbour!

The Quiet Man with Maureen O’Hara

I’m halfway through the audiobook and feel the same way. According to her testimony in court, she had no friends (seemed confused be the concept), no help with her siblings, and it’s heavily implied that she was being (sexually) abused by her father. Tom seemed to be the only person who was nice to her, black or white.

She was a poor, white trash, teenaged girl with no friends or allies, and she knew it. She was clearly being abused by her father, likely sexually, and was called a whore and beaten because she was caught coming on to Tom. What would her father have done to her if she’d told the truth in court? Who was going to

Knob-gobbler =/= kiddie-diddler

Single payer* doesn’t generally cover prescriptions though, that’s part of your employee benefits, so it would probably still be an issue

OMG Jumbo! I loved that place as a kid. Anytime I‘d visit my mother in Toronto I’d ask if we could go pick something out, spend an hour+ going through the movies, and then meet her at the cash with either Labyrinth or Legend...

I know it’s a minor thing compared to what’s going on, but “females” & “young ladies” ???