
My first job was in a little family owned pub, and we gave away a ton of sandwiches, soups & salads. The owner knew damn well it would cost him more to keep us there working than he’d make serving one or two customers, and he’d rather eat the cost of some tuna salad and have happy staff.

Am I the only one who sees the resemblance?

My cats name was Squawky, and she was kinda mean...

My grandfather had his first telemedical (?) appointment a few weeks ago and couldn’t stop talking about it*. He’s 85 and diabetic, so being able to talk to his doctor without spending 2 hours in a car, climbing, stairs, etc, makes his life so much easier. I wish more were done that way

That’s an extreme example, but there are plenty of people who have assaulted and raped, but wouldn’t consider themselves rapists.

Not taking no as an answer, trying to wear her down till she changes her mind, getting her too drunk to walk and then “helping her home”...

We need a group of hardcore cholas yelling “I’d rape that ass!” at every guy before they’d start feeling uncomfortable

I agree. She should have been able to have an abortion as soon as she decided she didn’t want to be pregnant anymore. No wait times, no fucked up restrictions, and preferably at a low cost and in a safe environment.

If there was justice in the world, that man would die screaming and on fire...

I once dipped the back of someone’s spoon in almond extract because they were being an idiot (who licks spoons in a restaurant kitchen???). It takes forever to get that taste of your mouth... God damn spoon lickers

I. Would. Cut. A. Martha. Farker

I was thinking the same thing. The hospital isn’t supposed to say if someone is a patient or not, so how do we know there was ever an appointment booked?

They should have been charged. They allowed their son to molest those girls, instead of protecting them. If I saw them crossing the street I wouldn’t brake.

Those girls never had a choice. Of course they publicly forgave him, imagine what would happen if they denounced him on TV? This is a family that “blanket trains” (beats) babies and believes that a woman’s role is to submit. Absolute and unconditional submission. Or Hell.

And that no =/= try harder

You could but I don’t think it would matter, it didn’t with mine

I have a similar problem on dating sites. I’m constantly getting propositions from couples looking for a third to spice up their sex life.

There’s a big difference between defending someone and enabling them.

Clearly not, since now they have all these new safeguards in place

Ugh, yes. Even the parents responses were victem-blamey. Don’t so anywhere alone or in pairs, always stay visible, etc instead of DON’T DIDDLE KIDS AND SIBLINGS