Getting called a nickname =/= having your father shear your hair and post it on YouTube
Getting called a nickname =/= having your father shear your hair and post it on YouTube
This type of thing had probably been happening for years. The hair cutting and posting the video on YouTube were likely the straws that broke the camels back (for lack of a better term). Parents are supposed to lift you up, not grind you into the dirt.
No, my parents did the absolute bare minimum. But if you can’t see the difference between a loving father using a silly nickname and what’s happening in that video, that’s pretty fucked up.
This wasn’t a random video and haircut. She didn’t get a bad dye job. It was done to shame and degrade her, there’s a huge difference
No, bullying and abuse did.
And to alter her appearance so that every time she looked in the mirror she’d remember, to have kids at school ask what happened and comment on it? That’s not teaching a lesson, that’s him trying to break her down.
A normal parent doesn’t wake up one morning and do something like this. Like most abuse it starts with little things and escalates. That’s exactly how this feels.
Because her father, who is supposed to be loving and supportive, was an abusive sadist instead? He did this to publicly shame her and break her spirit. That’s shitty, shitty parenting right there.
IMHO, it’s simple.... None
Maybe I’m a terrible person but I’d rather we had an opt out system than an opt in one for organ donation.
Mmm... maple syrup landslide
I get the feeling his first sexual experience was something like hiding in the shower while his sisters used the bathroom, or peaking through a keyhole wile his mother dressed...
Usually the people who don’t understand a soft no are the same ones who ignore or get mad/upset at a hard no.
I miss that show so much. Stupid open ending!!
I knew it was a long shot (36M/N UK), but a girl can dream
Completely sold out.... But they only go up to G anyways :-(
Give a teenaged boy a couple of sticks an an elastic band and they’ll find a way to f*ck it.
Aaaand I posted that in the wrong place...
One thing I’ve noticed is that for a lot of these women it’s all about protecting their market value (by shaming other women).