
I just recently got this router and love it. Any suggestions on optimizing the performance in the settings?

I see that as a plus, too. Like I said in my post, I think it is a nice feature and only brought it up because I thought you were comparing loading each browser with lots of tabs.

Didn't see this comment, but I have to say that firefox has some feature where it doesn't actually load all of the tabs when you start it up so that is why it would handle loading them quicker. The tabs don't seem to load until you actually click on it. It's a nice feature but I think it kind of makes it harder to

I think that must be an aesthetic preference that, while i understand your point of view, doesn't deal with the other thing you mentioned: space. they do fit together better, but firefox's tabs start to scroll instead of shrinking the tabs like chrome and I think that wastes space and precious clicks and even more

No, but your contribution to the comments section certainly is.

Well that just makes you sound narcissistic.

Why did you write sheesh? I think you should go 30 days without caring about harmless typos.

i'm surprised you are the only one to point this out

are you dennis miller?

i don't think he was calling him an asshole; i think he was quoting what neil said in the interview.

it seems like a thoughtless observation like when someone has gained weight and someone else calls attention to it. either way you are pointing out a mistake ("odd combination of screwing up those contractions") when it's just unnecessary because you understand the post in spite of it. now that you clarify it just

it's funny to me how your sentence devoted to correcting someone is full of syntax errors and unnecessary ellipses. nice. i hate to be the one that tells you this, but i think you should forget about pointing out when other people make mistakes because you will make them too. and so will i and so will everyone else.

that is part of the reason i get so irritated when people point out little mistakes like that. i don't understand the point of it besides some sense of superiority. a bunch of potential editors looking for mistakes instead of absorbing the information

well i don't think it necessarily has to do with the subject being funny as much as the context. he wasn't saying the subject of suicide is funny, but using a joke that incorporates willful death because of the circumstances of the company. i think that is the difference

you summed up my thoughts more succinctly than i could have. good job

why do you want them to fail? how would you personally benefit from it?

it is interesting to me that you thought that about the suicide joke; it seemed so innocuous to me but i guess that is how things are. you must be sensitive about that subject

i'll have to consult with you for all of my future purchases

real men use electrical tape to stop blood loss

i think the problem here is the article seems to be focusing on the percentages and how the sites decide to match people up, but that doesn't have any weight versus people who have real connections thanks to those sites and those connections have nothing to do with okcupids algorithm and whatever the fuck those other