
I guess Adequateman is the correct venue to ask this question... but when exposed to these temperatures, anyone know what happens to your man-parts?


Reading this brought tears to my eyes for reasons that are possibly obvious.

Wow. This legit looks like a home video of me as a kid. I’m a high-functioning autistic, and the constant bouncing and confused frustration when you feel like you’re communicating something very clear and everyone else is like “Wtf could you possibly mean?” pretty much defined my childhood. (I also realized after I

My friend’s little brother took a math class with Urschel teaching at PSU. I’d seen videos of him teaching before and figured he might be hamming it up a bit for the camera, but the little brother said it’s genuine. A 300-lb. man driven to nearly jumping up and down in class because he’s so goddamned excited about

We’re all goons. It’s like in the original NES Ice Hockey when you pick all fat guys.

Questions like “Did you kill your wife?”?

My 5 yr old daughter loves Taylor Swift, and while this is problematic in and of itself, at least Swift can write music, play instruments, and sing live. That alone is a huge upgrade from the auto-tuned lip-synching dancers (Paula Abdul, J-Lo, Britney, ad nauseum) of the last couple decades. Basically what I’m trying

“Great idea. I would sign this bill.” - Mike Pence

While we’re at it, why isn’t January White History Month?

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I buy all my cars from Big Bill Hell! CAUTION: NSFW

The program used male pronouns and stated that in reference to this program, Bruce preferred to continue using them.

Glass houses, internet commenter.

That's a terrible slap in the face to Buffalo.

I quote this all the time while walking to the green. “You have selected three wood.” None of my friends get the reference.

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A bit of Powerhouse makes the whole thing priceless:

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Last time I saw Jon Stewart kick anybody that hard in the dick, it was Tucker Carlson on Crossfire.

Wait. Is She-Gambit a thing? Fuck you. You made that up. You drew that in study hall in sixth grade and hope Kevin Feige is gonna see it and hire you. I know how this shit works. THEY NEVER CALL, MAN. LET IT GO.