
I shredded my son's batman Lego game disk once...right in front of him. The best part was he thought that all his progress and unlocks were stored on the disk and that they were gone forever. I already had a backup (2 people gave him the same game for Xmas), and it was a $7 bargain game at gamestop...so it was a

Nope. My lawyer told me that the state just wants to make it painful. Either I'd have to pay him or pay the state.

This is a no-kidder: I got stopped for 87 in a 60 in Chesapeake, VA. I asked my Dad (who is a Lawyer out of state) if I needed a lawyer for a reckless driving. He said no, but that he'd check. He called me 10 minutes later and said..."GO GET A LAWYER !".

I got it pleaded down to a non-moving violation, but it cost

Now playing

Here's one from the USS John Paul Jones.

Or you deploy on a ship without internet. Loved Frontier and First Encounters, but no Elite Dangerous me. This was the problem with the original Xbox one as well. and dont get me started about phone games. The only time I play phone games is when I'm bored and waiting (trains, planes, Dr offices, etc.), and theres no


My kids went to private schools. In the first one, the school let my kids get picked on every day. (my kids are mixed and look pretty close to ethnically Polynesian) When my kid would fight back, he would get in trouble. Many parents complained about the "select group" of kids that had been there a long time and

That would be true of the newer stuff, but even the old stuff is remove and replace now. Sometimes, it's something simple such as a burnt resistor. However, since it can't be fixed in the field anymore and since we now rely on "just in time parts" (e.g. no warehouse), I have to wait 4-5 days for a replacement to

Just spent 3 years in Hawaii. So happy to be out of there. Hawaii is great for single people and retirees. If you have a job and a family, it's a lesson in frustration...especially since the schools are TERRIBLE. Happy to have lived there for 3 years. Happy to have left.

This is true of even the older airframes. I fly the E-2, which has been flying since the 60's. However, even the electronics that haven't been updated (e.g. ARC-158 radios) are remove and replace now. Guys aren't even being taught how to repair stuff anymore.

I always like the QTE in the most recent Tomb Raider games. You used the same buttons to jump, duck/roll, and grapple as you did in the actual game, and they allowed more cinematic shots for those dramatic moments.

I just got back from a 9 month deployment, and I hardly recognize my Xbox one.

Pint glasses in my house alternate down-up-down-up left to right and front to back. They fit together so perfectly like that.

I'm sitting in the Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) right now. My immediate supervisor, a Navy O-6, is a reservist who works at Lockheed on the F-35 in his civilian life. I just showed him this article, and he said, "cool. Do you want the number of the guy that's working on that project?".

One of the best parts about this level is that your actions dictate how many Marines survive. If you sit back and act cautious during the beach assault, all of your Marines will get killed and you'll have no one to man the Warthog with you. Instead, if you jump into the fray, the enemy will concentrate on you.

One of the best parts about this level is that your actions dictate how many Marines survive. If you sit back and act cautious during the beach assault, all of your Marines will get killed and you'll have no one to man the Warthog with you. Instead, if you jump into the fray, the enemy will concentrate on you.

I beat the original xwing game using only a mouse. Well, I did need an R2 to help me on the keyboard during the trench run final mission. I was a god in those games, I am not afraid to boast. I was the resident expert on the is a bbs. Such memories!!

A BMD Aegis cannot do it all on its own. I won't get into details, but ships like the SBX-1 are critical to making current BMD work.

It's actually kind of hard to find these ships in the open ocean. You'd be amazed how easy it still is in the 21st century to hide while at sea.

I got to tour the SBX-1 last year. It's capabilities are quite amazing. However, I'm not sure where her official homeport is, but she's been at Pearl Harbor, HI for at least 5 years...probably a lot longer.