The Legend of Vincent Tremblay

Class 3. It’s basically a Klingon Bird of Prey, but with a really, really, really long “neck” and its FTL drive routes through Hell.

1: I think 4 should be divided into 4a: ships that are actually industrial in nature like the Nostromo from Alien, and 4b: ships that are busy with details because the art director only said that they’re not “sleek”, like an Imperial/First Order Star Destroyer.

In the immortal words of Michael Bolton...

Great, now my brain is trying to fit Brass Bonanza to a dub rhythm, and it’s at least an hour and 20 minutes too early on the east coast for that.

Well, maybe not this specific peacock design. And the jewels in the steering wheel boss that would become high-velocity rounds aimed directly at my face if the airbag ever deployed are right out.

I believe the preferred phrasing is “hobbit-adaptive”.

I still think giving Metropolis a life meter instead of Superman was the best way to gamify his invincibility. It’s a shame Superman Returns had so little else going for it than that.

Sumwalt talks in so many circles in that paragraph, I’m amazed he didn’t lap Romain Grosjean. “Drivers should use the feature already built into the phone. Why doesn’t the phone maker want to put that feature in their phone? Drivers should install an app to do what the phone already does.” Which is probably why

The NTSB isn’t really blaming Apple for the “who’s driving?” problem, which nobody, including the NTSB, has a solution for. They’re blaming Apple for not having specific HR policy for operating a motor vehicle for the purpose of commuting to and from the office.

On extant consoles, SSDs will smack hard off of bus limits, either USB 3.0 externally on either platform or SATA internally on PlayStation. They help, but not nearly as much as NVMe hanging directly from the CPU’s PCI Express lanes will in XSX and PS5. And as someone who already has a PC with said NVMe configuration,

Hey, kids! Remember your older siblings save-scumming for sigil stone enchantments in Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Here’s your chance to relive those golden days!

Bill’s Porsche fandom goes way back. His infamous mugshot was taken after he was arrested for having a little bit too much fun with his first 911 on the desert roads around Microsoft’s original office in Albuquerque.

I’m wouldn’t be surprised that there are a lot of FIFA fans who follow AFC Bournemouth, considering Eddie Howe has been living the dream.

Oh, that is some pure, straight-from-the-pipe gaslighting from Sweeney right there.

In the heyday of CDs, there were two types of people: Normal people like me who only cared that a given disc was in the correct jewel box, and weirdos who insisted that the disc also be positioned at exactly 12 o’clock. I guess we know which group Kristen belonged to.

That’s an R60 Countryman, not a hardtop.

BMW? You wish. The R56 engines were co-developed with Peugeot. To this day, I have no idea how I coaxed 110,000 miles out of one before it spit out its timing chain at 60 mph. By all accounts, the pure-BMW engines in the F56 are a dramatic improvement. Meditate on that for a moment.

I was surprised to learn that 346,639 Minis were sold (to whom?) last year

“Hey, NZXT, can you do something about CAM’s excessive RAM usage?”

When I read that tweet, I took it as a hint that more clues would be revealed in the next weekly reset. Right now, it might be a race to see if the r/raidsecrets horde can brute-force it first.