Stadia: Google Reader Sharebros remember...
Stadia: Google Reader Sharebros remember...
I believe that is the “we’ve already embarrassed ourselves by killing the SP DLC, so let’s ruin the MP economy and let attrition do the rest” method of winding down multi-player support.
Counter-prediction: Neither the PS5 nor the Xbox Series X will make a disastrous fuck-up. Instead, some esoteric, barely noticeable difference in depth-of-field effects between TLOU2 and Halo Infinite will re-ignite the console wars by making it “clear” that one or the other console is superior in some way. This…
But Titans are linebackers. [puts ice pack on Fist of Havoc bruises from Iron Banner last night]
Talk to Amanda Holliday in the Tower. She’s become the vendor for previous years’ campaign-starting quests since Eververse gobbled up her ship and sparrow business.
You’re the fucking troll, and you’re the one who’s fucking enabled and fucking catered to on the internet. There’s no place for honesty or integrity or inquiry in good faith, just goat-fucking knuckle draggers like you. So go on and rule the world, you sniveling, juvenile piece of filth. Jalopnik would rather have you…
“Does Apple charge a recurring license fee for CarPlay?” is a fair, legitimate question. What OP posted was consumer-tribalist bullshit, and you know it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple charged them a recurring license fee for having Apple Carplay in their infotainment systems. It’s part of that sweet sweet “services” revenue that Apple keeps trying to highlight to replace their declining hardware sales.
I eagerly await George Lucas retconning the reason the Millennium Falcon’s hyperdrive kept failing in The Empire Strikes Back from “blaster fire from pursuing Star Destroyer” to “circa 2003 VW 1.8T ignition coils”.
[Mitsubishi looks up from its spreadsheet]
Looks like a copy of a copy of a RAV4.
Most of these cars need cooling over the batteries, which are mounted in a flat layer of the underbody, so the “intakes” are in or behind the bumper.
It’s a shame Kubica and Williams had to fuck it up with a poorly timed release that cut Verstappen off.
Notice how on the lower car, without the panorama roof, you can clearly see that there are two large black areas along the roofline that follow the arc of the roof all the way to the rear window? That’s a visual cheat to let the Mach-E get more rear headroom while maintaining the dramatically-raked fastback roofline…
Let’s see which reaches your head first, the Lanny McDonald crosscheck or the Rollie Fingers fastball.
The system is color-coded by function. Green is for navigation, red for music, blue for phone.
Well, part of marketing is finding a polite way to respond to challenges like your general comments, rather than the obvious “We know. Why the fuck do you think we just went on a studio-buying binge?”
Cooler article idea: Why are the selfishness and resentment of console fandom ever indulged?
Comments like this are why moderation is necessary, and why more sites need a “Completely detached from reality” option.