He was folding the baby like a very well-kneaded ball of dough. That’s what I first noticed.
He was folding the baby like a very well-kneaded ball of dough. That’s what I first noticed.
One of my best friends just had a baby. I’m going to send her this link, and I hope in a few months she’ll let me try this out.
You touch on something really important — the assumption that all women understand one another. You can communicate that not all women are alike, and that may be understood. But what might also be heard is all women, at least, get one another. No, we don’t. Like you, I do not understand the women who primarily watch…
I’m seeing the same trend in my career. Women are asked to participate in these events — events that cost thousands to attend — just for networking and leadership opportunities. Not a job. Not a pay increase. No, an opportunity. After I got my degree, I’m reluctant to spend more money on opportunities that have little…
Can I quote you, ‘cause this is brilliant.
LURVE that movie. I think anyone who is passionate about creativity can relate to the process of seeing an idea come to life, especially under the high expectations. I was crying right along with Raf Simons.
You know, I own Tupac: Resurrection. It has that whole The Kid Stays in the Picture-vibe. It’s haunting yet entertaining.
I wonder if this show is suffering from the title alone. Secretly brilliant shows like Selfie and Cougar Town were gasping for air, simply because the title was too shortsighted.
This is going to make so many people insufferable.
Who was asking for a all-black cast? I don’t believe the answer to an all-white Egytian cast is an all-black one. Chadwick Boseman is also cast, and his casting still makes no sense.
This, alas, is something I’m coming to terms with. That a woman — capable of ombre to the nth degree and a performer who might bring me to tears if I saw her in person — is sooooo basic.
This needs to be in a time capsule for our future overlords, the aliens, to find.
I can empathize. I’m a former retail warrior. I had a tactic wherein, if I was hit on, I’d just walk away and fold a pile of sweaters until they left me alone. If you’re not going to take my service seriously, I don’t have to take you seriously.