I’m starting to notice a pattern, as people who work in retail or food service are the ones people are trying to connect with. UGH...
...Service staff are just giving you good service. If they want to see you again outside of their job, they’d give you contact info. Otherwise, let it go.
I’m never too busy to hear an Angie Stone interview.
Yeah, that’s kind of an insult to Amy Sedaris.
Don’t speak any fine actor’s name into existence. That’s how the stupidity comes out.
I don’t know what’s up with Anthony Mackie lately. A man — whose built most of career off characters in which their race was a factor — has lately been behaving oddly. I remember telling someone a few years ago that I while I thought he was fine, he opens his mouth and ignorance comes out. Then I forgave him after, Nig…
Anthony Mackie’s half-nekkid self kept me from ejecting that disc, and throwing it out the window.
I feel like Pariah was his effort to apologize for She Hate Me.
Lil’ Mama, watch the throne. This is how it’s done.
Thanks for the backstory, I’ve always been curious about him.
Right?!??! ‘Cause if we’re getting this:
You know the longer, more defensive your comments get, the more easy they are to scroll past, right?
But, wait: Only their daughters are people.
After taxes and management fees, $100,000 — just for that one gig — is probably $30,000-$45,000. Now, if some of that gets invested, then that is stowed away, and you can’t touch it. We’re still not talking about global transportation costs, beauty and fitness costs...
Basically, mo’ money, mo’ problems.