“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life, so you bought some sweatpants.” ~ Karl Lagerfeld
“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life, so you bought some sweatpants.” ~ Karl Lagerfeld
After three seasons, you respond to this now? At this point, you should just accept that some people won’t see things the way you see it and move on.
I think of this story anytime Fred Armisen-as-Prince comes to mind. Prince was clearly bored, and just wanted Fred to go away so he could eat. But to Fred, this was likely one of his top five music experiences.
I like logistics and general agendas for vacations. But the fun of vacations is the unexpected: Wandering into a thrift store and buying a great vintage piece. Stumbling in a spa, and having engaging conversation with a barista. Getting lost headed toward one major museum, only to find blocks and blocks of murals and…
Ugh, is this why so many under-qualified people keep getting work? No wonder it’s easy to lie on a resume! No one really reads them, and if they do, they’re weeding out the people they already don’t like within 6 seconds.
Thanks for posting this info., Kristin. I couple of years ago, I did some research on what it would cost for me to live comfortably in New York City. Based on my skills and experience, my estimate came to about $135k-$150k per year. Because after taxes, that salary is actually about $88k. Good to know I’m in the…
I think these quotes are from a Vibe magazine interview she did back in 1997/1998.
I suspect that she requested to be moved, combined with people who were probably tired of her. To this man’s credit, But she moved across to Kasaba Bay. I will leave the reasons out. Is expert-level shade.
Recently, I dated a guy to whom I confessed all my hopes and dreams. He was incredibly supportive, and said that while he knew we couldn’t be together for years, we would enjoy our time together while he could.
This all abruptly fell apart when I could not convince him to give me an ETA anywhere. Not even for dinner.…
Jia, your writing is brilliant. I always look forward to a new piece from you. Curious about what you think. You spent time writing stories of hardship for children of privilege, to make them seem more appealing to college admissions. Did any of your stories include familiar narratives of poverty, street violence,…
With her luck, she’ll make a career out of writing op-eds, doing interviews, and making public appearances, complaining that she can’t get a job and this haunts her everywhere she goes. You know, like Monica Lewinski.
Is Marques Almeida the Luella Bartley or Daryl K for this season? Because she’s giving me a lot of “fun at a small scale, but not really scalable.”
Please don’t underestimate the people who actually show up to vote, Person-Who-Misunderstands-How-Primaries-Work.
That’s the problem. You could almost see Ray Parker Jr. smiling while performing the original Ghostbusters theme song. Patrick Stump sounds like the guy who sang the Perfect Strangers theme song: Outsized emotion in the face of a silly program.
You guys, I think Blake Lively is seriously trying to be a movie star. The Age of Adeline, while a well-disguised romantic movie, has a pretty good premise that works. And she was good in it. The Shallows is giving me Blue Crush/Open Water. I might give it a chance when it streams.
I can say that I was there as well. My first F1 event live. It was really worth it. What was also new to me was the practice runs. I never see those on TV. Thanks for your coverage, Raphael.
I low-key dug it too. It snuck in themes about maturity and moving forward in life.
Rose Byrne is funny in everything. She made Get Him to the Greek watchable.
I agree. I also think expecting any one group of people to lead this issue is inaccurate to how systematic change occurs. Instead, we should see any all people — regardless of background — to take the issue seriously.
It honestly broke my heart to sit across family — aging Baby Boomers — who benefitted from years of social programs and initiatives to support them into retirement. Yet they couldn’t understand why I would want to support an “old socialist Jew” (their words, not mine.) They couldn’t understand why my brother, who…