
Let's be real: If Jezebel hadn't of bothered to dig this shit from the bottom of the right-wing pits of the Internet, you would have never known or cared or been concerned.

You're not wrong, but at the same time, if she had an abortion, the whole premise of the show falls apart. Still, I totally agree with the larger point of needing to see more abortions in popular culture.

Browns Owner: What's with these pre-draft shenanigans I'm hearing about Kevin? It's getting some people in the league pretty upset.

The last one I watched was Real World: Boston, filmed back in the 1800s.

Goodnight, Irene
Goodnight, Irene
I'll see you in my dreams.

Can we get a clip with just the fighting? I'm not watching 42 minutes of the Real World.

Oh, please! There is no one in both the Alpha and Gamma quadrants who hates Dukat more Than The Major. He forced her mom to become a comfort woman for Christ sakes.

Lol, no one likes Dukat

I would take CardaShians ove Kardashians any day

Wouldn't they have pretty slam-dunk evidence for assault charges?

Garak would have taken over in a week tops

We've become bored with children being massacred at school so why the hell not.

I'd be more entertained watching Balo struggle with a training bib again.

Tottenham fans sure are whiny.

Jackson had one really good idea 20 years ago, and he's dusted it off and leasing it to Dolan for $12M/year — and you think Jackson is the dumb guy here?

I'm not going to come down too hard on them. After the closing of WCW, I thought it was rather nice of the city of Atlanta to keep Goldberg's noise pipers employed.

To give some background here: Uzbekistan recently got eliminated from the Asian Cup by South Korea. Uzbekistan actually had a nice nil-nil tie going into extra time, and then gave up two goals. In the lead up to the match, Russian rags did some hot-takes of how the Uzbek team was much better and how they had a

Where's your God now, Russell?

'And No One will Remember it'

Me too, but I don't think that's legal anymore.