
The people who want to attack Olbermann for this well-crafted, thought out take down of the column and the concussion issue in general are the same fans who don't care about the players under the helmets and just want to watch guys smash one another.

Here's a question: did Pete Prisco go into a career in journalism knowing there were risks involved? That maybe readers would disagree with him and find him to be a fucking imbecile? Probably, yes?

The fact that a destestable piece of shit like Pete Prisco has a job covering men that he obviously cares nothing about & has very little regard for is the most disturbing thing about all of this. Oh you talked to players Pete? Here's a suggestion you fake ass tough guy go read that column to the mother of Junior

Unless you're a Rangers fan, in which case you are a lost cause, and a drain on society.

Legia were punished because UEFA thinks that that banner is racist. They believe that "S" letter is written in "nazi" font. They probably don`t listen Kiss. LOL

Rich white girls- the only class of girls who don't like being sexually harassed, right?

Rich White girls don't like being sexually harassed by homeless people. Polish racists are quick to aggression. News at 11.

Looks like another day at a Turkish game to me.

Why not just play rugby if you want an up-tempo offense?

When our guys flop or fake injuries it's because they're 'selling the foul' or it's a 'strategic' move. Totally unlike those foreigners (particularly Europeans and South Americans) who flop because it shows they're dirty cheaters who lack honor.

You can't overstate how much this means to the players, too.

"Stop your bitching and moaning and quit acting like a pussy and get back out there Shelley!"

well as far as your #2, the Dynamo arent really a good example. If anything our ownership is just as distant, if not more distant than yours. We have 3 owners that are all based out of California and the majority owners dont care enough about us when they are loading up there better half with overseas talent just to

Definitely a class organization; I certainly hope they can rack up another trophy or two while they've got this group together. I think it will be interesting to see what happens to attendance once the new stadium isn't the city's shiny new toy and the team has a rough year or two, but for now, they're really one of

Wait what no c'mon stop why do you keep making me hate you

Meanwhile....in Cascadia....

The OP nails it, but as far as the rest of the thread goes, I've never understood the idea that one should follow MLS or Europe but not both. I love watching EPL games because of the obvious skill and tradition and so forth, but it's also true that whatever team I choose to root for is completely arbitrary—I'm just a

It's about the recovery from the tragedy. It's also represented by one of the stars on the Chicago flag.