
I am guessing that they weren’t technically not allowing student of other races to enroll, they were just being strict about where you lived and the neighborhoods themselves are not integrated at all.

But I watched the video and he seemed genuinely shocked like he never heard of it before. I don’t think it is unrealistic to say that maybe Jon Stewart doesn’t read Gawker frequently.

yeah that is not worth that much training.

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

What the F is the possessed baby tattoo on his shoulder?

My father invented shitting on silver platters.

Word. And perfect gif choice. I like to think I’m a relatively chilled out mum, but the thing that pisses me off is dads being described as ‘babysitting’. I’m unable to refrain from replying in an inappropriately loud voice “NO, ITS CALLED PARENTING.”

My mom who WASN’T a single mother in that she was married and we had a father sometimes, used to get pissed as fuck when someone would say ‘At least you have your husband there’ because my dad was gone 7-14 days with two or three days at home most of which were spent sleeping because he had just driven thousands of

My mom, a single mother, only gets pissed off when someone who isn’t a single parent says, “I feel like I’m a single mother” because their husband is on a work trip or something like that. She’s just like

I dunno, I *get* the outrage. This whole “meternity” thing shows that most people think maternity leave is a perk or a vacation and not a necessary time to heal after EXPELLING A HUMAN BEING FROM YOUR BODY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I mean, the fact that maternity leave still isn’t mandatorily(ok i made that word up) paid

There’s NO way this book wasn’t a massive “no such thing as bad publicity” troll. Or at least no way she didn’t expect some sort of backlash.

You kind of already do. For any time off that is unpaid by the employer, an employee has to file for short-term disability and FMLA - all done through the employer. So literally my first day home from the hospital after having our son, my husband went into work to email my employer all of my documents that had been

I was 7 when this came out and my mom dropped my sister and I off at the theater, coming back for us when it was over. We were standing on the curb sobbing when she pulled up. I remember us standing in the very back of the theater against the wall, burying our faces through most of movie. That shit was BRUTAL.

I logged into my gmail, using my 2-step authenticator on my phone, so I could dig out my kinja key, so that I could comment on this article. That’s how protective I am of Watership Down.

No, don’t remake it! Trick children into watching the original! Laugh at their broken tears! IT’S HOW THEY LEARN.

Cringe city. It’s like when you look at your “facebook memories” and you’re like, why did I ever post this lame stuff?!

A fifty year age difference is creepy. Everyone is tripping over themselves to be accepting because he chose to prey on a young man instead of a woman, but if he were marrying a woman everyone would be calling her a gold digger. I don't dig it.

I bought a copy of Finnegan’s Wake when I was 18. It sat on the shelf in my dorm for over a year until one night, approximately two hours into an acid trip, I decided to try reading it. I made it two pages before deciding that I would be saving this book should I ever be hospitalized, in traction, for months on end.

Plus, one of those arguments could have easily been like-

Honestly, if there were a gossip item every time my husband and I had words... well I wouldn’t need to release a visual album is all I’m saying. Couples have spats. The idea that every argument is a divorce in the making is NON. SENSE.