
The whole time I was watching I was texting my friends like “I don’t even like Beyoncé that much, but guys... This is... This is something.” Over and over. I was just planning on listening while I did work but I couldn't tear my eyes away. I don't love most of her music but this entire production was so moving and

(I’m feeling like I had a lot of feelings about this and I’m trying to get them organized in the right way, so this might not make a whole lot of sense. And as a white lady, I might misstep, please don’t yell at me, I’m trying.)(I’m super grey anyway, so most of y’all probably won’t even see this!)

It's the seven year old daughter that got me. Fuck sake.

46 years old. 46 freaking years old. I can’t even imagine the pain that family must be feeling.

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

You know you’ve entered uncharted territory when Heidi Pratt looks like the sanest person in the room.

People outside of Michigan have no idea how amazing that area is. It’s ok with me to keep it a secret.

The UP is the most beautiful place in the world. In the summer and fall.

Fuck you though. Traverse City t-bags just about every other summer vacation destination in America, ditto most of the L. Michigan and Superior shores. Look for my middle finger next time you fly over, knob.

Clickhole is awful satire

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

Ugh...come on people...

Bond with your other roommates, find a place together, leave creep behind.

I 100% don’t get the snark. Life can be lonely AF and not all of us like being glued to our Laptops commenting on Jezebel all day eating cheese and intermitenly checking out cats on Neko Atsume. Community living is great but hard to carry out in cities, as long as the price is reasonable this is a fab alternative

I dunno i get it tho

While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.

Does it cost $1375 or $2,000 a month to live here? If I was 22 years old, and getting a first job salary and lived somewhere with decent amenities I could hack it. What’s the difference between this and sharing a small 2 BR in the East 90's?

Thyroid disorders (Graves disease, Hashimoto’s, to name two) are very real, and easy to detect (a simple blood test), so don’t know why that’s being lumped in with ‘diseases and disorders that many claim they suffer from, yet are unrecognized by evidence-based medicine’. Makes me question the rest of the article

Are Trump and Cruz making you feel a little weird about GWB?
