
The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely

His behavior is shitty. So wouldn’t empower women to say “your behavior is shitty” be a valuable thing to do? You’re not going to convince 100% of guys to be non-shitty. You’ll be lucky to get 85%.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Hey do you by chance have any more pictures relating to not even once and meth?

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

Sometimes we’ve got to save ourselves. I’m a white, middle-class, middle-aged woman. There are bigots and racists who assume, based on my looks, that I’m their ally—one of the “silent majority” they are always claiming stand with them. One reason to wear a safety pin is to tell them I’m not.

Thank you for that perspective. I have so many friends who honestly just want to help others feel safer and this felt like a way for them to show solidarity. But it felt very White Savior and I’ve worried that it would offend more than reassure.

I’ll treat President Trump with the same respect the Republicans treated President Obama and their willingness to unify. How’s that for fair?

Yesterday I went out and was super paranoid. Today is no different. I want to fight back but this is a spectacularly painful blow. I feel betrayed by my neighbors even. Its hard when you arent in a big metropolitan city like NYC and youre a POC in a small white suburb. The threat is so much larger. Ugh. I am so

Continue to be try and better person every day. Help all people who need it, treat all people with respect. That’s my plan.

This is the section of the song that killed me:

Serious question: are people just letting Lorne & Co off the hook for being one of the first non-news outlets to truly normalize him? Jimmy Fallon got more shit for ruffling Trump’s hair than SNL got for giving him the front and center on NBC’s flagship comedy show.

BLOOM: And if you need a refresher on post World War I Germany, they had an authoritarian political outsider stoking xenophobia in a nation where the poor felt marginalized, and blaming complex problems on scapegoated minorities!

So you know that running gag in movies and film about kids spanking it to the underwear section in their mom’s Sears catalog? I didn’t quite get what these films were alluding to, so I tried fucking a rolled up, glossy department store catalog when I was like 11.

ed. I’d just like to add that I tried this a few times

This reminds me of a guy in college who told me the most lifelike pussy masturbation aid was warmed liver wrapped in carpet.

Well, now we know who wrote the Buzzfeed video.

Whatever happened to cutting a hole in a vegetable or gourd of some sort, microwaving it for a couple of seconds, and fucking it?

So if I’m interpreting this correctly - and I think I am - you’re calling us to arms to kill all the Dutch people in West Michigan and take their groceries.

Ugh, as much as I love this, please don’t support/endorse Meijer!