
Makes me feel like we just might find her wandering the streets asking for the time before long.

You obviously need to rebuke Satan.

(Sigh) I don’t understand. Will never understand what is happening. why is happening? Who is what? Which is where? Why trump? Why? Why America? WHO IS VOTING FOR HIM? WHY YOU DO THIS?

Yay Bernie! I have to admit, I’m pretty excited to see a non-Christian doing so well. As a secular person, I get very tired of presidential candidates having to pass some kind of “churchiness” test.

I never get the people who complain about the Oscars being too long. If I had something important to be doing I wouldn’t be watching the Oscars in the first place.

She’s definitely had some open-stomach surgery.

The way Hae’s life and death were treated by the podcast and its fans remains bizarre to me. Whether or not you think Adnan is guilty, this girl is still dead and that death is still a tragedy.

I concur. I’m actually annoyed with her assessment. It’s very condescending.

If I had the opportunity, I would like to ask Gloria this:

I think we, as feminists, are smarter than that. I'm for Hillary this time but I was for Obama in 08. And I'll be happy to cast my vote for Bernie if he's the nominee. We're better than just voting for our demographic.

The feeling that we have to put ourselves so starkly into divided camps is so weird. While I will 100% support Bernie Sanders as far as I can (I want and believe in the god damn revolution), if it comes to it, I will have no hesitation voting for Clinton. Yes, they have stark differences, but I don’t have to hate one

What I Find interesting is that Bernie could be the first jewish president and no one is saying anything about that.

If only Warren was running we wouldn’t have this false feminism bullshit.

“BernieBros” is exaggerated bullshit. Some people just prefer Bernie.

Watching now. This is O’Malley’s best debate. Hands down.

I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no

I’m sure she does a fine job, but I think if they had wanted a CHANCE at getting some noms next award season then that role should have been played by Jennifer Lawrence.

I like Chipotle, but as I’ve posted before, I don’t think of it as a Mexican restaurant. I think of it as a better-than-average fast food place with a Mexican theme, similar to Qdoba. When I want Mexican food, I go to a family-run Mexican restaurant near my home. Chipotle is for when I need to get lunch in the mall

This should really be hidden and tagged NSFW, guys.

I didn’t know this was still on