
The Best Animated Feature category is not the kiddie table. Inside Out deserved a Best Pictute nomination. That's the biggest snub in my book.

The Jennifer Lawrence nomination seems like an attempt to spice up the red carpet.

Inside Out was the best movie I saw in 2015. Or my life, TBH.

This is goddamn fucking ridiculous. I feel like I have deja vu. We JUST ALL BITCHED AT THEM FOR THIS LAST YEAR. And yet here we are again. AGAIN.


I was with a dude who liked to finish on my glasses.

edit for clarification: obviously while I was wearing them, not just like...swing over and jizz all over them on my nightstand.

so someone actually dated a guy with the “funkiest tasting spunk.”

But for real, Bobby... that was perfect. The fact that there is nary a proper noun in this article is just.... excellent. I salute you!

Theory: Facebook makes you angry. The republican grandmas I know are on facebook 24/7 and they’re all sharing propaganda with each other. know how you used to get like one conservative chain email a weeks from them? Now they do like 10 a day in the form of fb posts.

Sigh, and it seems like your Dad missed a bit of the original Star Wars. It was always a universe where women could and did hold power. Leia wasn’t just a woman in a slave bikini. She was raised to be a leader.

Some white men will be. And we’ll all be happier for a space they avoid.

Oh god, the autoplay! All three at once? I thought we were friends?!

lol- we’re cussing already?

I disagree with that. I think a general opinion of a name actually matters a bit. I can look at a class roster and tell what sort of class I’m going to have based on the name. I assume it’s the same when people look at resumes. Your child's name can scream "teen mom" or "mcmansion pinterest housewife mom" or "artsy

Dude. Oliver doesn’t end in -aden. You’re winning the name game automatically.

I know a Quin Noah. Close enough?

I wonder if all the parents who named their sons Atticus are regretting their choice now that Go Set a Watchman has been published.

He didn’t held his own against Ren. Ren was toying with him. Finn was swinging to save his life and in the end was mortally wounded for it. If Ren had been focused instead of manic, the fight would have been over in seconds. He could have snapped Finn’s neck with a thought. Finn’s luck was that 1) Ren was out of

I am scared of what they are going to do to the Rey/Finn relationship to drive the plot in the second film. It seems almost inevitable that there will be some sort of disasterous conflict because love/fear/everything leads to the Dark Side. I hope I’m wrong.

I was so happy to see Leia in a position of such power. I loved Rey too, and I won’t even be mad if she winds up in love with Finn because HE’S SO CUTE.