
I have the same hair as elizabeth banks and I hate my hair too and always study her hair to see what she does with it so that I too can have nice hair. Hair is thin as hell, cuts itself, and I look like tom petty if I don’t style it every ass day.

You must not deal with large data files on a daily basis. 40 minutes is nothing. It’s one retrieve in Excel. Who’s to say they didn’t delete the info and save the file they retrieved with? If it were 4 hours? Yeah, maybe something is up ( maybe, key word), but I’ve had files that take 10 min to ping the network, let

I suppose? Are any of them out there?

From the vendor’s website:

It looks like a staffer (now fired) was poking around data. Since the campaign took action on it, it seems like they should have access to the data restored pretty quickly. While I certainly don’t buy the Sanders’ argument that it’s all the DNC’s fault for having crappy software (leaving the door accidentally open is

Well put! I agree with everything you’ve said except maybe point number 1. I’ve been registered independently in Maryland since I was old enough to vote (which means I can’t vote in primaries). In the last half hour I re-registered as a Democrat and donated to Bernie’s campaign, the first time I’ve ever donated to any

regarding #7:

And there’s a downside to the HRC campaign’s heavy-handed tactics: some Sanders supporters will decide to sit out the election or write in someone’s name rather than vote for her.

dude fuckin FDR could have appointed her

And you know why the DNC does this and gets away with it?

Anyone who’s had Organizing Fellow or above status on the Obama campaign has used VAN extensively. I’ve used VAN and I can promise you the idea that the Sanders campaign harvested data from Clinton’s campaign and gained some advantage is complete bullshit.

yeah but if they have a primetime debate, the Democrat voters may start getting some IDEAS about who to vote for and that just can’t be born.

Right now if the DNC thinks quietly waiting for the Republicans to explode is a great strategy for a checked-out electorate, they’ve got another thing coming. Republicans are using fear, the time-tested way to get moderate Baby Boomers to vote for anything, as they’re main strategy (as usual). Hilary Clinton is not

My parents for many years had that photo of the baby sunflowers in pots which added to the sunflower themed home that exhisted. 90s is all about the sunflowers don't you think?

Anne Geddes is Thomas Kinkade of photography.

I thought the same thing until I had kids and couldn’t stand to be that asshole whose bratty precocious kid tells all the other kids Santa isn’t real. So I suck it up and chat Santa shit like everyone else. My kid is super gullible though, she has Muslim school friends who obviously don’t do Santa and she still hasn’t

Didn’t one of Bergdahl’s friends say she thought it was basically bullshit he was ever let in the Army due to mental health issues? He’d been discharged from the Coast Guard due to mental unfitness, I don’t see how the Army is thinking yeah you couldn’t handle the Coast Guard? Well let’s see how you do with the

90% of my parenting is making sure my kids fit in. It took us a bit to get our own Elf (I wanted to name it Seabass, Snarky decided on Buzz) but what got me was when little Snarky asked me why the elf came to other kids houses and not to ours.

Oh you told her that the creepy elf-doll isn't actually watching every thing she does because she was having toddler-panic attacks about it? WELL IMMA TELL HER SANTA ISN'T REAL!! was a pretty damn assy reaction to the whole situation.

If flyover country weren’t controlled by slobbering brain stems who happily allow urban gangs and mentally ill people access to firearms so that they can play with their bang-bang toys in somebody’s backyard and fantasize about taking out some SCUMBAG mugger just like Charlie Bronson, congress could tell the NRA to go