

I can do it, but I'm not sure *why* I would do it.

Yes. I looked at the outfits at the link and thought "I wore these things in the 80s! Who would ever want to wear them again?"

When I clicked the link I was prompted for a password.

Wait, does this mean there was a true story in the Weekly World News?

Me too, I've got at least 2 inches before the tip of my middle finger and my hairline. I do have a big head though.

Regarding the Kennedy/MJ story, doesn't it sound like MJ was basically saying he was just kidding about the whole hotel room thing when he said he was a married man? Still a douchey thing to say, but "whatevs."

Yeah, that is definitely not a Kim Kardashian butt.

I guess they must have cut the comment out of the actual article because it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I haven't read through the comments and I'm not going to because if I do I will probably get too stabby!

Yup, this happens to me every time. It's why I decided to quit drinking.

Yes, I have twice but the crying was totally spontaneous (I'm a cryer). It's just what I do when I panic or get scared.

Yeah, I've cried my way out of a couple of speeding tickets but it totally wasn't on purpose.

Yeah I am pretty sure I was a Sassy subscriber from the very beginning until it suddenly went to crap toward the end.

I'm confused. I went looking for the article you could be talking about and found this one by India-Jewel. I don't see anything about the Holocaust in the article. Was it in the comments? Did they cut the offending content out of the article?

Oh dear - I also have unintentionally sarcastic voice. It still causes misunderstandings with my husband after 15 years. People used to tell me that I sounded like Darlene from Rosanne.

Good God.... thanks for the info.

I am suddenly feeling at peace with my recent decision that I am old and my recreational drug using days are over.

Do you mind if I ask what the interaction was and what kind of SSRI you were on? I have been on SSRIs for years and I'm not planning on taking MDMA any time in the future (I am old) but I am worrying now about my kids trying this! When I Googled MDMA and SSRIs I only found information about SSRIs lessening the

Would one really want the same person who is massaging their anus to also be feeding them?

As a parent, the story of her son Daniel just kills me. I seriously watched the trailer for this movie and almost starting crying when they showed the boy who plays him. I don't think I could even handle watching this!