
I was just coming here to ask that. Is "natural law" an actual thing?

I don't get it. Is that a teleprompter right in front of his face?

She totally lost me at "Wimbers."

Actually that wasn't her character on Mike and Molly or Gilmore Girls at all.

You might hear of the occasional kid whose parents claim they never threw tantrums and were model children, and that's likely sometimes real.

Well, yes, that's part of it. Natural selection would typically take care of these things over time. I know that's harsh, but it's the way the world has worked for millions of years. If we start messing with DNA to fix every genetic disease, won't we risk eventually causing these diseases to become more prevalent

I am definitely not religious or anti-science, but something about this just seems... creepy.

Really? Hmmm.. now I want to see it.

I apologize for getting a bit off topic here, but I use a Burner account to log into Jezebel. Does that mean I'm not a fully-fledged Jez member? I've been reading religiously for five years but only started commenting recently because I never had the nerve. I picked a Burner account when I finally signed up because

I apologize for getting a bit off topic here, but I use a Burner account to log into Jezebel. Does that mean I'm not a fully-fledged Jez member? I've been reading religiously for five years but only started commenting recently because I never had the nerve. I picked a Burner account when I finally signed up because

They just had her on MSNBC for an interview.

Yeah, I contemplated quantum physics and string theory (even though I didn't know what they were at the time) but I never, ever, did anything violent.

What kind of coach? Why is he a cad?

I'm guessing they took volunteers for models in this campaign. Although, it sort of looks like Marcellas might have been forced...

No, that's not what I'm talking about. I understand using the descriptor to distinguish one person from another. What I'm talking about is when there is absolutely no reason to use a racial descriptor in the telling of the story.

I was confused about this as well. If you look at the original article you will find that the crisis counselor is actually Judy Smith, not Judy Davis.

I'm pretty sure it's because most media outlets (I'd like to say it's just Fox News, but it's not) are only focusing on the "n word" part. It pisses me off too!

EVERYONE is (at least) a little bit racist. Paula Deen is certainly no exception. I think the first step in starting a meaningful dialogue about race in this country is to admit this fact. I'm not optimistic about it ever happening.

Yes! When I hear people describing a situation and point out that "this black guy" or "this Mexican woman" did this or that, I always stop to ask what their race/ethnicity has to do with the story. Even if they are not using a nasty word, it seems that many people find these characteristics important to point out

Exactly. Everyone is talking about her use of the "n" word and nothing else, as if that is the only reason she has found herself in this situation. So frustrating!