I know Nintendo likes to keep its secrets but I don't understand why localization announcements need to be kept secret. Makes you wonder what else they could be hiding for no other reason besides "because we can".
I know Nintendo likes to keep its secrets but I don't understand why localization announcements need to be kept secret. Makes you wonder what else they could be hiding for no other reason besides "because we can".
There's always the community smooth out the edges?
"It is satisfaction, fun, adrenaline, competition, etc."
You can use shotguns on any map. It's not just for cheesy meatgrinding clusterfucks. It's pretty easy to sneak in this game as long as you don't shoot and you can just use the magnum for mid-range shots. You can also switch out for slugs if you want to do mid-long range.
"What's the point of the game?"
That's sorta how they announced Pikman 3 IIRC.
They show games that are far enough in that you can play at the show.
Like Bayonetta if Bayonetta's hair was made of little people and she was a man related to Viewtiful Joe.
It'll support USB HDD's. Honestly that's a better option than having to pay the price Nintendo would inevitably ask for if Sony and MS are any indication.
I doubt it. The 360 limits has pretty much already been reached. I doubt they have the extra processing power to spare in order to stream anything that's intensive. The reason for the Wii U not supporting for U-controllers is likely the same. If they had locked in their MS devices maybe they could use the devices to…
From a business perspective Nintendo is really slow, and stupid, to not implement DLC earlier. Mario Kart Wii outsold everything that wasn't a pack-in. Imagine all the extra money they would have if that game had DLC. It wouldn't even be bad DLC either. They don't have to share it with anyone either.
Us: "Microsoft, we know you like Kinect but where are the games?"
Hopefully it'll be how they worked in Desert Combat. The gunship can work as a mobile spawn point as well as a weapons platform. Spawn in the cargo hold and jump out or use the weapons on it. It'll be destructible of course so AA can take it out and deny a powerful strategic asset. I'd like to think it could be…
I hope they don't just take old maps and re-sell them for full DLC price.
I don't understand why DICE insist on putting in new weapons at all never mind making it one of the main selling points. DICE's balancing in Battlefield has always been poor but it's made even worse now because of the slooooooooow updates and bajillion weapons that all perform similarly but not enough to be simple…
Microsoft is the weird one that swapped them.
It's simply a matter of comfort and preference. Functionally the tablet controller can do everything the Pro controller can do. The Wiimote and CC comparison is a bit different.
"In what games does knowledge take presedence over skill that's relevant to this conversation, and when did having more material to teach mean you can't make it easier to learn it? I was under the impression that knowledge and skill both promote each other and are equally necessary. I was also under the impression…
I don't think MS really needs to focus on the hardcore gaming market that much anymore. MS got into the console business because they wanted a way into the living room. The Kinect seems to be doing that much better. It also didn't cost them billions in losses. If they really cared about the games they wouldn't have…
I'm glad you finally chose relevant examples but none of those games are hard to master or can even be mastered at all. You either know how to do it or you don't. They give you more options as you progress but they all build on those fundamental core mechanics introduced in the beginning. When someone doesn't know to…