I don't know, I don't see 53,000 sales opening week as indicative of these types of games being the driving force for big games in Japan. Even if it's ranked first that just shows how little competition there is this particular week.
I don't know, I don't see 53,000 sales opening week as indicative of these types of games being the driving force for big games in Japan. Even if it's ranked first that just shows how little competition there is this particular week.
"I'm not saying that accounts aren't being hijacked"
Who says I take what other people are saying at face value? They're not mutually exclusive positions you know. Creating false dichotomies, that's fanboy thinking.
Never taking what a company says at face value doesn't make me naive, it makes me cynical.
Yeah, people that lose their items are just joining the bandwagon and imagining it. Why, they probably destroyed their items just to fit in!
Well if everything comes from nature then there's no problem with staying in cities since that would also be nature.
See, isn't that the point? Why do I need to go out into nature (usually costing a pretty penny) when I can just watch a bunch of videos that highlights everything without the inconveniences? Not only that but videos that can actually explain why it's cool instead of simply going "it's nature, duh." Why should people…
"But developers shouldn't have to establish a new IP every time they want to innovate"
A sequel that does the same things never disappoints as badly as a sequel that changes things.
Why would having your hands farther apart and NOT bunched together be less comfortable?
The difference between them and Nintendo is that Nintendo CAN and WILL support their controller themselves. It's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN.
NoA needs to get off their asses and start thinking about localizing Japanese titles themselves if third-parties aren't going to do it. Marvelous and Xseed seem to be onboard for the Vita this round. Doesn't matter if the 3DS gets more games if they never get localized.
People who only play solo/singleplayer can get hacked too. Something is very fucked up when your singleplayer game gets hacked.
The only winning move is not to play.
How hilarious would it be if Halo became a Nintendo exclusive IP?
Gamers are too quick to forgive and forget and the media that's supposed to represent us are full of corporate apologists that would rather attack their readers. Add in fanboys and viral marketers and you have a situation where anyone with a complaint gets shouted down. And people wonder why the rage has become almost…
They'd have an easier time if they try to learn what we don't want. It's stupid to ask fans what they want. Not only are fans not a homogenous group so it's impossible to please everyone it also shows how weak the developers and how they have no idea what to do anymore.
They've already mentioned that they want to be more like Skyrim.
Level grind isn't available because they'll just scale the enemies to your level.
Your typical modern gamer is actually very poor at reading and reasoning. Games don't require those skills anymore.