
We've seen evidence to the contrary.

Simultaneous console release? That pretty much means the open world gameplay isn't going to be making a comeback. Pass.

How often do AAA games NOT get good reviews? If they have that kind of money to make an AAA game they'll have enough to secure some ads on major sites virtually guaranteeing a good review score.

"If I ever form a game company, we're never saying anything. We'll just quietly slip our games under your door and run away."

"And the public pretty much falls for it every time."

You have that mixed up: sell the consoles, keep the games. The hardware is what's losing money, the software is doing fine.

I can't wait to see Sony go third-party.

It wasn't just the Cell. It was also the Bluray player which was still expensive at the time.

Their gaming division had losses last quarterly report. The Playstation brand hasn't been a consistent winner since the PS3 launched, never mind the money they threw into the PS3 for R&D. Their sales for the past few years have been buoyed by strong PS2 sales, and PSP in Japan, but that can only last so long. All

If you don't like what he's saying then make an actual argument instead of "wah wah troolllll". Calling a poor looking port a poor looking port isn't trolling and pessimism isn't a crime. I'm more concerned with the people that are so eager to please their corporate overlords and takes everything the industry says at

Mods get in the way of $10 cosmetic upgrades and $15 map packs. It means that developers and publishers actually have to put in more effort when releasing DLC.

I doubt they even remember how to make a good PC game for PC gamers. It'll amount to nothing more than a fancy $60 (despite it being on PC) tech demo. When no one cares they'll blame piracy and casuals and go back to making Gears of War and Infinity Blade just in time for the next MS and Sony console to come out.

Ensemble's dead. Microsoft killed it. Won't be the same.

She can dress up however she wants, just not in that particular venue at that particular time.

They can generate just as much, if not more, hype by actually getting those products into peoples' hands. And a tidy profit while they're at it.

"Who gives a fuck?"

Purposely limiting supplies makes no sense. All it means is that Nintendo doesn't get money. And as a business, I don't see how not making money would be considered a wise strategy. The fact that the product costs twice as much as retail on Ebay means nothing to Nintendo since they see none of that extra money. It

Lazy ass.

I seem to recall people acting the same way about the DS too. You'd think after two similar successes people would be wise enough to not make claims prematurely.

"the raw power of the device will be the same as current generation consoles"