
Guild 0-1 with major publishers. This can only mean one thing: mini-game collection.

It's not like user generated content is to be expected on consoles. There's only been a handful of games that has it. Brawl actually had a map editor too.

Every medium has different qualities that define it. A TV show with just a black screen and only sound week after week wouldn't be much of a TV show. A comic book with no pictures isn't much of a comic book.

If there really is that much demand for a gameplay-less game why don't we have people just record different segments, put them on Youtube, then give viewers different links to the next video segments depending on your choice. Works especially well with Bioware games since there's not that many different outcomes and

That is found mainly in one genre, and even within that genre it's not ubiquitous. For the vast vast majority of games it would be a movie.

That's because those "games" used to actually have gameplay elements like raising stats or problem-solving before being turned fully into digital "choose your own adventure" books. Originally they could be compared to point-and-click adventure games.

Since it looks like my picture disappeared from the first post: [imgur.com]

I don't really hate Reggie. I just like this comment.

At least NoA got it for them in the end. PC gamers have been asking for games like RDR or Dark Souls and there's been nothing. It could be almost a straight port, no licensing or localization required. And have you seen the shit Capcom pulls?

More likely than you think:

That's what I don't understand. Why work in the games industry if you don't like games. It's not like it's the only industry available to a writer. I'm not even sure if she understands the type of fantasy she's supposed to be writing for. I wouldn't be surprised if her idea of good fantasy is made up of Twilight and

I don't think the problem is just whether or not it's profitable. I see two big reasons why publishers don't have a stronger focus on PC. The publishers are after the BIG sellers. I don't mean 1 or 2 million, I'm talking about 10+ or even 20 million sellers. PC is my primary gaming platform and even I have to admit

1. Just because PC games have all the bells and whistles doesn't mean the individual user needs to turn it on.

That's Bioware's past when it was just a space waifu simulator. Not nearly enough gay and LOLSORANDUM for Bioware's future.

Nintendo probably contributed a lot to the overseas advertising. And then with the 3DS Nintendo was willing to put out the CCP add-on. So far only Capcom games seem to benefit from it. It's easy to notice when you consider past Nintendo add-ons. Normally Nintendo has at least one game to go along with it but with the

The first opportunity they have would be after MH4 comes out. That was still a ways off, much less waiting for MHP4. Even if Sony could get MH4 I doubt it would've gotten a simultaneous release after the 3DS reveal, probably a timed exclusive.

Dwarf Fortress first started development 10 years ago.

It does a good job of highlighting the hypocrisy.

The creator doesn't say that both games are ripoffs. He says that if one is a ripoff then both are a ripoff. The timing is irrelevant. The issue is with the content and in that case they both draw inspiration from the same source.

Don't worry, I'm sure the comments will more than make up for it.