
We got to see your profile pic 😂

Is this replacing the mag safe adapter... because that little magnet continues to save me from having to replace my computer.

This sa the opposite where i work. If we don't say I enough then they can't give us marks on our interview because they can't prove that we did said thing.

The App really facilitates the method. I would highly encourage anyone what has looked at this app in the past, but took a pass for any reason to revisit it. Accept this time check out their free online classes about how to use the YNAB method. https://www.youneedabudget.com/support/traini… It has changed my life!

I often just block the notification in this situation.

You forgot the billings method. Free and effective.

How is that working from a budgetary standpoint? You finally paid off one loan so you took another right away?

If you live in Canada www.buyapi.ca is the best place to get raspberry pi's, arduinos or littlebits. I got my pi from them last year.

Where is the avro arrow I realize that it was a plane, but i'm pretty sure it made it to near space.

Space Prison by Tom Godwin

I think these types of spaces are really cool. But surely someone has the stairs and table on a electric motor? And a fold out couch??? am I right?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is just a simple budget right?

How might this effective Facebook in Spain? Can I post a like to a new article? If I decide to post all the links to a local news paper... etc

YNAB ynab.com

Check out "budgets are sexy" he has a series on side gigs, jobs you can do to earn extra money. I personally do fiverr gigs and I have made over $80.

So I was feeling a lot like this too. We were using YNAB but we weren't moving forward. It seemed like we were always 'zeroing out'.

So this is how balloon tower defence really started... Hmmm

I think he only replaced the handles on the doors.