
Right, one way or another this clearly happened because of Boeing.

Oh fuck off Kotick

I’ve been wondering about the Nintendo Switch honestly. I play docked most of the time, which I assume means it’s permanently charging. Which also means that the battery will be terrible when I do game on the go!
That said I don’t think I’ve noticed a battery degradation.

Oh kindly fuck off Zaslav

“And they go, ‘Well, don’t put him in a situation where he has to kill someone’.”
No, they say he would still choose not to kill, because stopping death is his main impetus. His main drive is that his parents were killed and that he will stop it from happening to anyone else.
It’s like Peter Parker failing at “With grea

The conversation is about how they’re being accused of forcing studios to make things diverse. What David Bedard said ties into the official quote. Consultations on character accuracy IS part of their services and he brings marginalized people up specifically to counter the idea that better marginalized characters

No, what SBI said is that companies come to them for an extra polish, as well as consultation for their already existing characters to see if they read properly (this even includes a finnish company like Remedy checking that their white male american character consistently comes across as intended)

I remember way back when we had forums with moderators who properly enforced rules and ensured good behaviour. Somehow that just ceased to be okay. Enforcing rules these days, letting people who break rules or act badly face consequences, is treated like an overreach. It’s really weird.


Might be some WIP build that hasn’t gone through approval with all the decision-makers and on all platforms yet

mmmmaybe go to therapy? Like, you get to keep what makes you you, you just get to (with the right therapist) deal with all that stuff you clearly need and want to talk about and is harming you and others.
And like, what he describes is far from unique.

I mean, it does seem like a cry for help.

The most immediate find I can give you is this article

And that’s what we need unions for.

What. The. Fuck.
It makes sense. Natural evolution from the bullying we got, just transferred to the the digital space. But it’s fucked up, and aided by predatory in-game sales practices.

except profits are still up and mass layoffs are proven to not work. It generally has the opposite effect.

“We had to step back, look at our business holistically, and move forward focusing on the long-term sustainability of the company and delivering the best experiences possible for our community,”

I’m in europe and they’re still telling us to turn on airplane mode. And I dutifully do it because I get an unreasonable worry someone’ll check. One time when I was a kid, a flight attended yelled at me for playing game boy and that weirdly stuck with me.

yeah true. Marvel could’ve approached it all like they did Thanos and it would’ve been less dramatic, but you’re also right that it was an unusually chaotic time for them to be making movies. (though IMHO that should’ve been their first sign that they should’ve been more careful about the larger story arc)

Disney’s first gay, cancelled, yet without them oscar-nominated, movie

the thing about the star wars sequels is that they were meant to be a trilogy. Of course that should be properly planned.
Marvel is trying to do the same though across a bunch of individual movies that are meant to mainly stand on their own, and maybe create a satisfying arc in their individual subseries. However