
This is why they should have beat Bobby Kotick over the head with a broomstick when he opted to buy them. Greedy bastard.

Good for you, Glass-Half-Full. I guess every MMO is overpriced then, since they all cost the same. Shoo, now.

I like your reasoning :)

And don't forget Floyd Pinkus and Harris Pilton :P

All you need to do to avoid plagiarism is change a single word. Or even a letter.

Trust me when I say Disney would be all over it. And they would twist it in a way that would make it look like Blizzard was trying to profit off of misfortune. I've bumped heads with them in the past. They can be ruthless.

Ya but Varien Wrynn was there. Maybe it was a political courtesy. :P

I'm not sure what's more amusing. This Mobius Bagel or the fact that you're so pissed off about it. And hey, Stony Brook Uni is a good college. :P

Oh boy. I cant stop crying now.

Every single person in the US knows Universal Healthcare will work, this, sadly, isn't the real issue. It's the fact that the 1% would have to shell out even a fraction of their precious money to someone who doesn't and probably never will own even a single piece of Armani clothing.

Apparently you haven't seen the posts on the internet yelling about how the airline services are robbing us blind, too.

That was an awesome visual.

I got bit by one too. Sea World used to have them wandering around.

Are you fine boned?

I'm thinking you work out. I'm thinking you were never 260 pounds. I could be wrong, but even if you were, did you lose it as quickly as she did? Losing weight as fast as she did could very well make her look gaunt and not fit.

Hoffman's death that is. Not Hoffman. Typo.

People seriously? Stop fucking raging. Hoffman's WAS stupid AND senseless AND avoidable! How many godamned people need to die like this before others get the message? Don't get all over Padalecku for speaking the truth you mindless idiots can't accept.

That's what I was thinking. I have the newest version and it doesn't look anything like this! I'm thinking Korben who posted above me has the right of it though. :P


Yeah. I had to watch Magic Mike for the same reasons. I was writing a background on Joe Manganiello's life....