
Then it's a good thing you don't see my FB. It might traumatize you. Cus I barely eat, I never go anywhere unless I'm schleping to work or to a local place for a beer. My car is 7 years old and took me 6 years to pay it off, I don't have time to make shit for anyone, its why I have credit cards. My "baby" just turned

Same here. I just assumed it was some scam and deleted em.

I'm 46. I don't eat at fucking Applebee's for a "girl's night out." That's what Hoptron in Patchogue is for. Don't know what that is? Google it. I post nothing about my 27 year old son unless we are discussing the legalization of marijuana (No, I don't smoke it, but I think it should be legal.) or who's teen-angsty

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have the fucking strength.

I love you for this.

If Tom Hiddleston would like to re-enact that Walken scene. I'm fine with that.

You win the internet! <3

I think it was literally translated and probably by someone who doesn't have English as their first language. But honestly, the story is in the action, not the narrative. I say well done.

Thank you for that wonderfully intelligent comment. I see now you have resorted to name calling, so I think it's probably time to admit you're clueless.

Oh pretty!!! Thanks!

No, Llvla. The only thing you have is anger. Anger at people that don't deserve it. You make assumptions about people you have never met. You're lashing out at people who have no sympathy for an ugly person that you claim to be unsympathetic to yourself.

You live in your own world don't you? You think if he wasnt getting the death penalty he wouldn't have to sit trial and his victims wouldn't be traumatized? The end doesn't matter. The journey there is still the same. Now, this piece of shit has saved them the trauma and the rest of us the money by offing his sorry

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm simply stating that I don't think he was joking.

Just the fact that you used a Lord Baelish gif made me love you.

Im taking a guess here, but I'm The Flash meant that. No jokes.

You assume that people like him have a conscience. You assume they actually GIVE a flying shit that they are on the inside. Many of them PREFER the inside.

You dont get it. That money spent taking care of him can be spent taking care of decent people who need help. In case you haven't noticed, they did away with the quarries and the chain gangs. Prisoners like him aren't sweating their asses off for 15 hours a day. They live a better life than many of our elderly do. All

If went by the "eye for an eye' rule, Id say death would be the easy way out. But he was in solitary which meant he was protected. No eye for an eye for him.

And this, Thaagy, is why you will always me my sistah!!! <3

Honestly, at certain points, I would have agreed with you. But our prison system isn't what it should be anymore. These guys get an education, full medical care, three hots, a room, and a gym. Most of us law abiding citizens can't get that. We, the law abiding citizens, are the ones footing the bill. If I thought for