Thank you!
Thank you!
Good God that's a sexy car!!
I'm still giggling..
I'm currently giggling. I'm giggling over the fact that YOU are telling ME to chill out.
Some things cannot be unseen. I don't know you, but I think I hate you anyway.
How do you know Mav isn't an admin for the site? Seriously, SocialClimber (NOT!), you need to ease up before your head explodes all over your monitor and your mom has to clean it up.
No. It doesn't. Now lighten up.
It's there. Top post.
What the fuck does your comment have to do with gaming news?
Yoana I'm so with you. Im sick of my boobs hurting, my digestive tract flipping the hell out, cramps, headaches, nausea, fatigue....
I know, right? Who says we are the weaker sex?!
My period would take one look at that itty bitty tube of cotton, laugh hysterically at it, then march right around it on its way to freedom.
Listen, Piglet...I dunno who the hell you are and I don't care. But I do know one thing:
I would use tampons if I could. Like you, I'm not lightly spotting. But tampons are uncomfortable for me, so pads it is. And I HATE it! I can't take enough showers during that week. And as time goes on, I gotta say menopause is looking pretty damned good lol!
First off, where in the NINE HELLS does this bitch get off saying that the average cost per plate is 200 bucks? Where the hell did she get married? Mine was 1/4 of that and everyone ate very well, drank a ton and had an awesome time.
I'm in love. I'm with you, I would never be able to put him down, I'd just want to cuddle him all day.
Im sorry you have to tolerate them. I really truly do not think I could live in the same state let alone the same town. *hugs*
Have you seen what they have protested? Before this, they tried to protest the funerals of the people killed in the theater in Aurora CO because there were soldiers in that theater that were killed as well. They held signs that said " Thank God for Dead Soldiers." They promote intolerance and hate with websites called…
To my knowledge they are all active. The son is being groomed to take his father's spot.