Tony Kornheiser once said it was okay for Football HOF voters to not vote for Art Monk because Monk wasn't nice to them.
Tony Kornheiser once said it was okay for Football HOF voters to not vote for Art Monk because Monk wasn't nice to them.
Anybody who wrote what Mike Wilbon did after Sean Taylor was murdered should lose all right to call anybody else sanctimonious.
They actually tried this in America already, only instead of soccer it was college football, instead of players it was an assistant coach, and instead of the field of play, it was a shower.
Monty G sucks. Hes an attention hogging asshole who doesnt give a shit about anything but his terrible rap career BA BABY BAY BEE!
"Here was a large, unkempt, suspicious-looking man, threatening to make lists about my kids, then break into my house tonight with a 'delivery'. I acted on instinct."
Water Gun is the biggest omission for Toy HOF. GI Joe is in there but there should be a subclass for awesomeness. I had the 6' aircraft carrier that my older sister bought me with her 1st job. No one had that shit and it was the equivalent of putting a giant sized picture of my cock on the floor for all to be amazed. …
I live in a fairly small metro area (175K-ish) and every year the local newspaper compiles a "Best of..." list for the area voted on by readers. Last year, readers voted McDonald's as having the best fries.
Jeez. I know he's had a tough run of injuries but there's no need to be a little dick about it.
Sports dystopia starring Jimmy Caan?
basically a philly accent, no?
Even weirder was that the next name drawn was also an explosion victim from New Mexico that was visiting an elderly person
Here is my Chicago mashup that I just did... I think it is better than the Chicago representation up top.
Can you hear me now?
"Who are you talking to?"
Matt Harvey concluded the interview by asking Patrick if he'd like to buy some CutCo knives.
"No, it's not windy!"
Hey, if you think that'll work, be my guest. I tried pulling on it for a while, but I ended up just going blind.
Seriously, what the hell is gabagool and why would you eat it?
I have to be honest, this is fantastic timing. I'm currently embroiled in a situation that's very... sensitive, I guess is a good way to put it. In fact, it's very sensitive, and frankly things could go either way right now and that's not good. And you're exactly the person who I need to talk to about it.