
So long as the human gets to be in control and not some self determining processor,then that's fine with me!

There's making life better and there's unleashing our own demise. The pack mule idea is great, but adding a throwing arm for blocks, well, there has to be a way to ensure we never give it the ability to make the choices of what it grabs and throws on it's own. That's all. Human beings need a chance to fix the current

Umm, well no one has ever called me conservative before. I am very open minded, after all I am the one who hopes every development in space travel will get me a moon vacation, and I proclaim it often on these message boards. I see where the military work gets us the civilian applications that do save lives. I am

So a loyal pack animal. Alright. So long as it never evolves in programming to feel overworked and under-appreciated I will consider it an asset.

Well in the tests it has a power cable and control tether as well as straps in case it takes a tumble, so the battery life for the field tests can't be that good yet. As soon as the power source is efficient, however, then we'll probably be racing them. Actually that might be cool. Robo-horse derby!

So, why is this being developed? I mean, if we as a species are worried that we could build deadly robots and artificial intelligence that would try to wipe us out, then why do it? Are we the Titans, just waiting for Zeus and the other gods that we birth to rise up against us? Is it just how it must be? I thought it

Nt everyone is meant to be an instructor, but hopefully the truth of it and your qualified friends will outshine the other issues and people will see the fun instead of the geek stereotype. Sparring would be fun, but then how could it not be fun?

One Big Mac is the same as everything you get in the whole nugget meal! But how I miss having a molten hot apple pie...not within any reasonable limit, sadly.

Well, a six piece with regular fries and a diet soda is on par with a decent calorie porton for a meal. So ten pieces, not horrible. Not totally redeeming but if you can manage health on an intake versus calories burned, nuggets are the way to go!

Well, now it seems like it will be a fun sparring session! I am pleased to see they have actual training in real arts. This increases respect greatly, of course. As for videos with me in them, well I film the videos for the martial arts group I belong to, but I'll try and get in front of the camera for some of them

Let us remember that the zombies are more officially called the Infected, so it's not like a dead corpse, but a dying Person consumed by a rabid madness as body systems shut down and bits begin to rot. Thus, cool stuff. More game developers need to show their production like this. Secrets and shenanigans and Reindeer

Well, considering the source material, samurai movies, the fighting style was exactly as it should have been. Good observation on the Kendo! That is how you fight a duel with that style of weapon.

They can fight me, using their Star Wars lightsaber style and I can win every time. Yay! I'll look like a pro! Finally!

Nw that you bring that up, yes, it os very true! good point! I try and hack wi-fi connections while travelling and not willing to pay for an hour when I am only in the airport for an hour but want to check in with family about when the final bit of the flight might get to where they are. I feel empowered when it

You know what making real war like a video game will mean: hackers. Yep, hack the system, crash the plane, kill the pilot, all from Mom's basement. Then feel superior because you trolled the player.

SG1 was one of the best comedies on TV. Well especially seasons three through seven. Good for action, mythology and laughs. In a way I felt it was like an anti X-Files, filmed in Vancouver but the grey aliens were here to help, not hurt. Well deserved as your favourite franchise. Probably mine as well. :)

It's neither. A modified engine from the, what is it, Take on Helicopters? Is that the name? Anyway call it ARMA 2.5 I suppose. But it is being tinkered with to be its own thing. Just ut it this way, it's not ARMA II.

Much ado about nothing! People need to be chillaxin' yo. See I can do that. Can. Why? Because they're just slang words, no one owns them, no one has copyrighted them. Now if it were a modern set game sure, fine, but this is far in the future on another planet, with a girl who had her parents killed and has become an

Some people think the world is broken and can fix it by complaining rather than doing something. Those people suck. It's a fictional character in a comedic game that takes ace far in the future on another planet, so yeah, easy pickings so some people can claim moral victory. Pathetic, really.

I only see my ribs when I stretch right up. Maybe there's more muscle there for means of course a little bit of winter insulation, not that anyone else sees it, which means I don't worry about it anyway. Alright point taken then.