
Well, I would love to be critical but age brings wisdom. Thus, anything that gets people moving and burning calories is good. For those looking for a bit more reality in their sword fights, I’d recommend because there’s something about Sparring with steel that is an adrenaline surging, endorphin

I would be happy to write the screenplay! If Disney paid me a small sum, that is.

I do need a few enemies to keep me on my toes. Hatred accepted with optimistic glee. :)

Hate is a very strong reaction. ;) Shields are great and yes, they should be high on the list. Yet it does depend on the selection of available weapons. Back in early 2014 when I wrote that, I was still enamoured with longsword fighting, thus two-handed sword styles. Since then, I’ve elevated sword and buckler to the

I’ve avoided commenting all day but I think the time is right. Firstly, Jennifer, thank you for the article. This is information that people still need to learn. Game designers, movie makers, writers, they all think that armour means immobile. Education is needed!

We’re up to 0.79 today! Google claimed that was the rate so, yay! I do miss parity days...

Fantastic reply, Cap. Thank you for clarifying a few things, especially the finger myth. It was just such an unrealistic thing to hear about in the vid given the level of safety and padding and so on.

Lucky, you just created a new saying. When someone does something bad and we realise we expected such ludicrous behaviour, such as kids getting arrested for vandalism, we can shake our heads and say “That’s SOOOOO Ramsey”. Which will be better than the spin-off television comedy about an actor expected to play

If they did what Medieval knights, men-at-arms and others did in, oh, various battles from the War of the Roses, they’d be worse off than what the video claims has happened. So the game theory is the way to make it safer. It’s not realistic, and it will probably cause long-term health problems, but it keeps them

Hi friends! I found the video interesting but I am already aware of this sport and I’d like to throw some perspective from my place of real life knowledge. Shall we dive in?

That is the best thing I’ve read this week. Kay might be my favourite author and this is a book I will own in a proper paper, physical format and treasure alongside my collection of his other works. He does capture culture so well even when the names are changed to protect the guilty, and he has a deligtful way of

Fantastic stuff, George. As much as people ignore the past or find studies of it trivial, I think it’s essential to understanding how we ended up where we are. It’s great to read about and see a glimpse of music from the past, and not just because I think Sequentia is a good choice for the project.

Mordhau, so, death-hew? Huh. Well, you already have the answer, it can’t work given the current technology. I say this being a real-life HEMA student, scholar, traching assistant, plus putting in far too many hours of swearing at Chivalry as I try to make the game do what I would do in real life.

Misser Foggy! Si!

Let’s remember when Tony and his shop were the smiths for Man at Arms on the YouTube AweMe channel. Artistic looking pieces should be no surprise to the viewer

The final design is about art, not function. I am not a fan of it either, but then I am a sword-based martial artist and I look for function and balance first. There can be beauty in something functional, but most people don’t get that.

I watched a few minutes of this last night before bed and I think it’s a great idea! Twitch is a vast land where getting noticed is not easy, and having something to grab attention that’s not, well, inappropriate, is great! Bennyfits stays in character, interacts with chat, and there is a game going on.

That’s probably an ornamental or costume piece. Was there any information to go with it? Date it was made, or where it was found? It looks like a stage piece for an opera to me. ;)

Mead is hit and miss with people, as far as taste. I really like it, with the second glass even better than the first. I am thrilled to learn that there’s good research going on into the health properties behind it. Maybe this will boost the popularity a bit more and with some new competition, a bit of a price drop!

Well stated! I agree. When we didn’t know what was out there in the night, things were indeed scary. This is why children are afraid of things that we aren’t so concerned about as adults. We learn to fear mortgages and credit card debt instead of what lurks under the bed.