
Whether you believe it or not, this does happen, and most of the moms are, after they overcome the shock, really normal, good mothers. In mist cases, there is good reason for denial, or for blaming the symptoms on other stuff. Especially with young women who have not yet witnessed pregnancy in friends, still have

He is enormous and adorable and I just put out the FUCK OFF mat on my own uterus.

You know, this is exactly the kind of shit that made Dawn my least favorite of the Babysitters. Not cool at all like fashionable junk-food addict artist Claudia.

I suppose the question is whether Dawn Schaefer is eternally an 8th grader or not. If she is eternally an early teen, I pity her a great deal, and also she is too young to have children not to vaccinate. If she has an alternate identity as a 40ish year old, then I submit that many of us were terribly, terribly

Help. My daughter is 6 and I really want to NEVER SAY ANYTHING about her appearance, except positive things. The sweet girl made up a song the other day that was just repeated: "It doesn't matter what you look like, it matters what you act like!" and variations thereof. So it's working, for now. But she doesn't

"date as many men as possible. It's the best way to look younger and feel better about yourself"

no. Ocean is the brands ideal customer, the "person" they are designing for. These clothing companies call themselves "aspirational brands" - they want to be the clothing that you aspire to be able to purchase. They all do this. Like Abercrombie, American Eagle, etc..

How dare you suggest that white people not freak out when judged for their color? I, as a white person, feel that I am oppressed all the time. People will say "Well, as a white woman, you make more money than EVERYONE else besides white men" And my response is "The ozone layer is thinning and I NEED that extra money

This is not exlusive to the Midwest, either - I think just more rural areas. We took my dad and his wife to Korean BBQ to try something new when they were visiting recently, and we thought it was very reasonably priced at about $25 per person. They insisted on paying even though I kept trying to steal the check

I am midwest, born and raised. And I found this story (and the writer's descriptions) hilarious.

I worked in doctors office. I collected the paper that held the diagnoses for you after you saw the doctor as well as your co-pay. When I told a guy his copay was 10 dollars, he gave me a "bill" and told me to keep the change and basically bolted out.

I imagine that's tougher to do when it's a national chain restaurant. If it was a single place, with an owner-operator, probably would be more likely to happen.

If you want more female driven games become designers and make them they say. Be a female game developer and they'll spend their time threatening to kill you.

He does seem like kind of a dick, but that's super disappointing. Ah well, you can join us on Team Beakman.

Anna, I just read this and nearly cried. I am a blogger for a celebrity news website and experienced a terrifying week of death threats and insane food deliveries to my office and home. The troll even found my parents' address and bombarded them with harassing phone calls. The police did nothing, and gave me

'Parabens' is Portuguese for 'Congratulations'. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

"Fuck the 83 104 79 98 73 PctKKKK." Here, the ambiguity of online communication was not a problem.

I'm not anti-gun. I grew up in a place with guns. I understand their utility. But the reason I've never bought one — besides the difficulty of getting a CHL license in New York — is that it's another thing someone can wrestle away from me and use against me. I just don't think it's a solution to the larger issue.

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and not at all surprised by the police response.