Yes! I do not see getting married in my future, and even if it happens, I don't want deal with having a WEDDING. So I've been thinking of throwing a big birthday party for my 30th (late this year), possibly something ridiculously prom themed like "love under the sea" or "a night with the stars" and people will have to…
Why the hell would I do that? I have a perfectly good cat.
Regularly attending elaborate costume events (Victorian balls where I got served a 9 course meal by servants!) really does shut down a lot of those "must have hugely expensive wedding" impulses.
Hey, at least now you can masturbate without committing a mortal sin. You are only performing your wifely duties.
What got me is that they didn't break up until months later.
I'm just going to share this story from last Saturday. A good money-making night- the restaurant is packed, we're trying to turn over tables. Of course half of them are fucking campers. So when another 8 top of 40 something year olds roll in, I'm begging my manager to give them to me. Bright eyed and with an imaginary…
The funny thing is that the guys who act like this think they are impressing the woman they are on a date with. If they're women you want to spend more than two seconds with, they are not impressed. They are horrified and want to get the date over with as quick as they can. I've seen it. It's the "I'm so sorry, this…
You're a difference-maker, nerdybirdy.
Assholes are assholes and will always find a way to be so, I guess. I once had a guy tell me to pick the green olives out of his pasta (our olives are a sliced mix of green and black—not something you can really sift through) and threaten to have me fired when I pointed out that it was the lunch rush, there were 30…
My money's on a secret genophage. I'll bet those damn Salarians are involved!
I've been having sex with lab mice for years and have yet to get pregnant.
Thanks, BPA!
Wow, this is some serious news. If they have good evidence of this, they might need to look into regulations of BPA.
All my sperm hasn't resulted in a single child so far!
That guy definitely works/ worked in hospitality himself, only a person who has been there themselves would consider the importance of the extra topping fee.
I'm going to use this as a platform to say—is anyone else mildly bothered when someone (everyone?) calls them "peppercinis", completely dropping a syllable?
That sounds like a secret menu item at Wendy's.
Wasn't it the same problem with the Health Care thing and Papa John was like he was going to have to pass on the cost to customers and it was revealed to be like fifteen cents per pizza and then they did a poll that said the customers would be glad to pay the cost?
This is bullshit. The people working for slave wages in fast food joints have it SO good. They don't need a living wage or heath care. Working yourself to death for a pittance is the American way and their tears make the cheap burgers taste delicious.