
I’m guessing not, based on how well the Swtich is still selling.

It’s definitely a thing! There’s even a name for it: fraud.

Preparing for the full release of a new “Collections” system that will let users curate lists of complimentary mods

Most of the team that made the Chrono games got put onto Final Fantasy XI, and since MMO development never ends...

Even though I haven’t fully completed a Disgaea game since Disgaea 2, I do still buy and play the games. There’s a lot of nostalgia there for me. But yeah, I tried the Disgaea 6 demo for the first time yesterday, and I think it’s finally time for me to stop buying this series.

There’s a chance you can order a replacement arm, probably for free.

You may have asked politely, but it was an evil question.

At least you can come back to the Mantis Lords way later, after upgrading your nail and getting more maximum health, etc. You can’t progress at all until you beat that first Hornet fight.

Here’s why your response sucks and you’re an idiot:

I think it’s great that vaccinated people are able to get together with friends and go to stores and such. I’ve been enjoying it myself. But there’s a large difference in risk between those things and attending a huge, crowded, indoor convention. That’s nearly the perfect environment for this disease to spread. By the


When was the last time Nintendo revealed a console or console iteration at E3? Anybody expecting a Switch Pro reveal at E3 itself hasn’t been paying attention.

I was also hoping for this back when there were a lot of unclaimed spots. But even I have to ask, what are these moves that could translate? He blows bubbles and can then jump on them. What else?

So here’s something that may or may not mean anything: Normally when a character gets added to the Smash website, you can click through to see all the 8 color swaps. But with Kazuya, there are only two right now: bare-chested and with a suit. Possibly this means the other 6 options contain other characters (who

Despite the article being about and featuring pictures of terrifying animatronic monstrosities, the most disturbing image in the post is photo of Mitch McConnell.


No, it’s not. It’s just that this plush isn’t actually “life-sized”. It’s about a foot longer than a Slowpoke should be. According to every Pokédex entry, a “real” Slowpoke is about 3' 11" long, which is still pretty big, but not quite this big.

Also Nintendo never announces hardware at E3.

Calm it down with the assumptions there, friend-o. The kid-friendly style and the turn-based gameplay of Pokémon are fine. No need to change them (although cutting hundreds of Pokémon and moves this gen just flat-out sucked, no two ways about it).

This is a bit of a false dichotomy. There’s a lot of room between “the forefront of gaming technology” and e.g. Sword and Shield. And when they make remakes of their old games, aging Pokémon fans pretty clearly are a big part of their target audience.