
following the popularity of "color runs" where people throw paint on you at various intervals, why not throw pie or whipped cream at the runners at choice parts of the course, so all (male and female) will be peeling projectile confections off of their clothes en mass by the end?

now I feel bad for your parents...

because she's too cool to just come out and say "no red meat or dairy?"

Singled Out didn't completely suck. Just pointing that out to throw you a bone of sympathy.

this pretty much sums up Joe Biden as a whole: his heart's in the right place, and he's got some great ideas, but fails big time in choice of rhetoric. He's a smart man with lousy delivery skills. I can really relate to that.

so much better to pee on it, as it's much harder to detect at first. I once seriously thought about peeing in the designer clothes of a psycho roommate right before I moved out. Not enough to saturate or even get especially damp—just enough to develop a mysterious odor after some days in the closet...

fwiw, I've seen her get brusque/bored with sub-par interviewers for years. Whether you call it "impolite" or "legit," just can it with the 'must be pregnancy hormonal emotions' bullshit.

>_< eewwwwwww

just wondering, do any of you happen to know a prank-pooper personally? I went out with a guy a bunch last year who admitted to pooping in a bag and leaving it at friends' houses a handful of times in college, and once in the very recent past which involved scaling a wall and leaving it by the BBQ pit on his bud's 3rd

"code brown. I repeat. We have a code brown. Over."

doesn't every college have a phantom shitter on it? Sounds like that poor girl's got more going on than run-of-the-mill IBS if she routinely failed to make it to/in the toilet bowl. I hope she got some medical help!

gotta agree. Both Scar and Vee are long and lean, which puts them far closer to the mainstream idea of attractiveness than Ursula, or Hexxus from Fern Gully (not Disney-1000x better! He's an evil spirit whose main corporeal form is a pile of animated, anaerobic swamp mud with the voice of Tim Curry...)

whoa. Did Gabrielle Union steal the title of Best Arms from perennial champion and America's Sweetheart Jennifer Aniston? Are you gonna take that lying down on your back, Jen?!? Turn over, lift up into plank position and go out with a push-up contest that goes till the first lady drops! Speaking of such, Michelle

the best use of "Don't Fear The Reaper" I've ever seen/heard, too. "More Cowbell!" can wait in line ;)

exactly, which is pretty much what she said: I admire X, Y, and Z artists who died young—maybe younger than me. Must I die young to be immortalized like them? Her glamorizing death puts up all kinds of red flags to me.

in a jar next to her sarcophagus?

Betty Botter had some butter,

IIRC, "pit bull" is a term referring to a variety of bull terriers, and not a single breed—can anyone verify?

I often find it a bit too crowded, personally—Tryst, too. Late night hangouts at Tryst when the crowds are sparse is the best!

Howdy neighbor :) Can I ask you out?