
My dad has an appointment for his first shot this week and I have never been so relieved in my life. I can’t imagine NOT wanting my parent to get this vaccine. Or myself for that matter. I will be counting down the days.

I love the all natural crowd! You know what else is all natural? Small pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, tuberculosis.

From the pictures of Chloe and Olivia, vaccines appear to be the only thing they won’t inject into their bodies. These two look like they’re about to give Jocelyn Wildenstein a run for her money.

“I’m a 60-year-old gay man. I don’t actually go around dwelling on the comparative hotnesses of young actresses, let alone writing about that.”

Then maybe he shouldn’t have, you know, gone around dwelling on the comparative hotness of a young actress and then written about it.

File this under the “I’m gay, it doesn’t

There is no vaccine for what is wrong with those parents. That child would not be the first person in human history to love her abuser and want to protect them from the consequences of their abusive behaviors.

I think she’s gotta go big, like Saudi billionaire type of thing. Pull a Salma or Janet—strictly big money guys.

I still think anyone running for elected office should be required to pass a basic background check. If a fucking social worker (working for state or local government) or probation officer has to clear one (in addition to mental health screenings), why shouldn’t people who would weild that kind of legislative power

Yes, but deciding that Biden has already failed because we don’t live in the Promised Land after six days in office is profoundly dumb.

As the dad of an out-and-proud 14 year-old, it sure does rule to live in the first era of human history where a gay kid can be themselves with less fear of reprisals than ever before (yes, I know it’s still dangerous and yes I’ve made her aware of that, but I’m still happy for her).

Also: I recommend Precious Little Sleep. The book/FB group was a lifesaver for me. And she’s not a Trumper!

My advice is to not stress to much about it.  I think that just makes it worse. 

So basically Taking Cara Babies is just the Ferber Method repackaged to look fancy and upcharged out the wazoo. If you’re looking into sleep training, we used the ‘sleep wave’ method as detailed in The Happy Sleeper. It got our at the time 5 month old son to learn how to go to sleep on his own, but was not the cry it

Came here to say Precious Little Sleep worked so well for me. I never bought the book, paid for a class, or did anything but read the sleep guides on the website. So ... free. But it’s just nice to have something to refer to when you’re sleep deprived and can’t remember which way is up (much less what some “sleep

Yes, someone recommended this woman’s online classes to me as well. No thanks!

This made me cry when it was first referenced during the ceremony.  He gets all the stars, rewards, medals and anything else he wants.  

I can tell you how to get babies to sleep, even the ones that prefer to scream every 10 minutes. My son’s been screaming every 10 minutes for the past 16 years, but he SLEEPS. It took 6 months for me to figure out how, but since then I can get every baby to sleep (without abusing/neglecting it).

I really loved “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child,” and “The Happiest Baby on the Block.” My credentials are: I have three kids who sleep through the night in their own beds.  Good luck!  Sleep issues are horrid!

Shit. You can all pay me to talk with you. I have a PhD in Child development and 25 years experience working with young children including infants ( my actual specialty).

I don’t think he’s goofy, I think he’s authentic.  Just being himself, a grandpa from Vermont.  Also he’s lived through 19 fricken inaugurations now, I don’t blame him for looking unimpressed.  

David Foster, George Clooney, Jon Stamos will never ever get the same amount of judgemental shit Salma Hayek got for being an "older" mom at 41.