The real asshats are the Jalopnik staff who only wish they could ride this well.
The real asshats are the Jalopnik staff who only wish they could ride this well.
Somehow, the comparison is less than flattering to both of them...
So the turbo bit on the end makes you blow your load?
I say fuck being bipedal, I'll hop everywhere like a fuckin kangaroo.
Uh no. This is Russia. He hit the cars because it was going to damage his truck the least and cost him the least amount of money to fix. If he ditched it then he for sure would have been executed by whatever mafia group controls whatever he was shipping. Jeez I thought that was obvious.
so from the headline you expected what? the truck to gain sentiente and try to do a sky net only to be stopped by a adjasent optimus prime? now sensationalism would be if he said "mexican deathmachine almost kills entire crowd at motoring event" or some shit like that... see you arent alone in being drunk and tired
I read that in a very non alarming voice.
Literally everything? I think that's a bit of a stretch.
G'night yobbo!
ADS-B is via ground stations, not satellites. It does use GPS data from the GPS constellation, but aircraft have to be ADS-B capable, and flying in an area that has ADS-B coverage. Think of it as a wireless network, where the aircraft who fly into and out of coverage must determine and populate their pertinent data.
Part of it is the actual Design gm is basing everything on. The ''t'' battery backbone in the volt? Gm Has invested heavily in that design, as mark 2 battery frames are getting ramped up as we speak.
I hate to go full pedant, but the Aussie Running on Empty was made in 1982; the 1988 film is the Sidney Lumet one w/River Phoenix.
Small correction- the Aussie Running on Empty is 1982. The 1988 film of the same name is something entirely different, and you may be disappoint if you go looking for it. ;)
Has anyone mentioned the classic - "The Last Chase" - When I was kid this kooky movie inspired me to fight for my right to drive!
I could get down with 4000 grit and some sweet smelling carnuba based "polishing" compound. Because you cant spell compound without "pound"
I don't always use sandpaper when I masturbate, but when I do, its 1800 grit Emery
1800 grit. That shit does feel pretty good.
fuck yeah straya