LandofMinos: ...sent down to strike the unroadworthy!

Kinda reminds me of Just Cause 2 video game. Particularly when you shoot a gas bottle. Even better when you lasso a bad guy to the gas bottle, shoot the bottle and watch the bad guy fly off into the sky.

What horribly irresponsible parenting, they didn't even leave the baby with a handgun. What if a kidnapper or a car jacker came along? Or even worse, what if a guy came along and put a leaflet for that new restaurant under the wiper. How's the kid gonna deal with that without a Glock?

Perhaps a fast approaching deadline and a tired scribe? Or IMHFO... laziness.

In case you're wondering...

Nice beard.

That's got to be the first FJ Cruiser I've seen sitting static in a garage and not on a freeway, two feet off the rear bumper of the car in front.

Awesome, so how long have you been commenting?

You want a really entertaining and unbiased scientific explanation of fuel saving devices that a layman can understand? Follow these links to ABC Australia's Dr Karl Kruszelnicki; a 351ci V8 Aussie Fairlane loving scientist on his radio show speaking about gas saving snake oils and how they (don't) work...

Now first, let me get this out of the way… The nature of my questions is merely to get an idea where Gawker dig up the sort of writers they do. What their history is and what those writers would consider themselves to be (blogger or journalist). The points I cite in the post above have little or nothing to do with

But governors are a better people than you and I.

Here's an incident that may help explain some of it for you.

The original had the caption "Go ahead, please take day off". Today we consider these cartoons racist. But back then, they drew Germans in a similar manner.

Are you saying you just got the irony of this post? It's WW2 propaganda. The original had the captions "Go ahead, please take day off".

Going by their standards, I think I just found the Taiwanese animators.

The My Family fad isn't over yet, but hopefully soon.

Would you want an organ donated by this bloke?

All of China.

I couldn't disagree more. If you think the history of mankind can be written with a predisposition, frankly your whole idea of journalism is flawed and misunderstood. The line between objection and opinion is distinct, yet is one that many lesser minds cannot discern and therefore is what bad journalism takes

Great question... The definition between a journalist and a blogger can vary depending on who you speak to. One thing is for certain, both are as you say 'assembling and disseminating of news and information'. And the distinction between a blog and a news service can be increasingly vague when you factor in blogs like
