Oh fuck, sorry man... truly. I didn't see the smiley inauspiciously placed next to the time-stamp at the bottom and thought I was dealing with an idiot. And guess who the real idiot was?
Oh fuck, sorry man... truly. I didn't see the smiley inauspiciously placed next to the time-stamp at the bottom and thought I was dealing with an idiot. And guess who the real idiot was?
How does the computer prevent shifting into certain gears. What is the mechanism that controls it? A physical lock on 2nd and 3rd gate? De-sync the syncromesh for those gears??
Sublime, drop-dead gorgeous styling, but only if viewed from certain angles.
Awe VanMan, did I hit a raw nerve? Did my Harley hate make you flustered. Why do you think it was jealousy? "Yeah they hate us because they're jealous of our cool Harley Davidson motorcycles BRMM BRMM BRM BA BA BA."
No worries... You share your initials with the best country in the world.
Oh bugger. Really? A Kiwi Jalop would love to have your screen name.
I see it. I squint my eyes and I do see the resemblance.
Pretty sure it's a Lambo dude.
I find it stupid that a country that is so sensitive to racism in the media, even slight bad humour... Suffers from actual racism on a level much higher than other developed western countries.
Wait until you get to the space missions Raph... Low gravity, you'll bounce half way across the level and run out of fuel.
First aid teaches to be extra aware of your surroundings in emergency situations so you don't endanger yourself or others. Unfortunately that's also the hardest thing to do, especially where there's persons trapped in a burning vehicle.
Wow, what a manly noise Harleys make. They're great for men. Men who like to dress up in leather. Men who hang out with other men in leather. Men like to take communal baths with other men. Manly men, men's men.
Yeah Pakistani Police, do your job and listen to America and DO WHAT THEY SAY! Goh!
Lifetime driving ban for the old hag. Yay!
It's all yours. I made it using paint.net... A free alternative to Photoshop.
Ah, no you're very wrong. Please allow me further your knowledge...
We have cities with HD cameras trained on road traffic. And data from those cameras needs only to be stored for the day or a week, unless there's an incident. Airports have limited traffic, limited runways, and data storage of HD footage isn't exactly full or half sized Betacam tapes like they were a decade ago. They…
I'm sure he feels bad, but at least McMike isn't a self-righteous cunt who calls out minor indiscretions.