Lance Lynxx

This shit is bad for all sides of the argument and all people involved. I’m strongly agaisnt removal of content or altering content during localizations. I bought Fire Emblem Fates, but I canceled my Bravely Second preorder (mostly for altered endings and editing the art book).

Sorry, but I won't stop having sex with your sister.

What’s next?

You can’t skip gameplay because you are playing a game... Is this not obvious?

Just go watch a movie then. Or read a book. Developers of games shouldn’t ever spend time or money developing a way for people to not play their games.

Maybe you just need to #GITGUD

skip combat? why? you just want to watch a movie?

“You should be able to skip combat”
Just go watch a movie then.

I dunno, man. Words aren’t ice cream.

Land speed vehicle has no set definition so it doesn't have to look like a corolla.

Best seat on the plane.

Problem solved.

Look at it from both sides. Compassion goes both ways, right?

I didn't say ban them from all flights, did I? I think compassion should work both ways. I'm not acting upset on the flight because I realize these people are probably just as frustrated as the people around them that the kid is crying. It sucks for everyone.

Duct tape is a close second.

If they must bring their screaming shit machine on the plane then they should have to buy it a ticket (no lap babies) and then be required to sit in the back by the galley/lavatory so as to disturb the least amount of passengers when the inevitable screaming starts. And ban children under 6 from First Class entirely.

Seeing as most of the commenters have apparently never had to deal with this, in going to step in and voice my support 100%.
I'm almost in favor of no babies on planes. Period. Or in restaurants. Or pretty much any place where people have paid to be, and are now receiving a diminished product because mommy and daddy

I'm all for child muzzles.

100% agree with OP

Like I said in there, those things don't stop your seat shaking from being bumped.